

我通过一些教程上的http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-gas-nasm/index.html以自己熟悉的x86 / x64操作系统。本教程code编译和使用提供code,它使用AT&功放没有打嗝运行; T语法:

I'm working through some of the tutorials on http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-gas-nasm/index.html to familiarize myself with x86/x64. This tutorial code compiles and runs without a hiccup using the provided code, which uses AT&T syntax:

.global main
main:                               # This is called by C library's startup code
    mov     $message, %rdi          # First integer (or pointer) parameter in %edi
    call    puts                    # puts("Hello, World")
    ret                             # Return to C library code
    .asciz "Hello, World"           # asciz puts a 0x00 byte at the end


However, when I convert this code to Intel syntax, I get a "Segmentation fault" error.

.intel_syntax noprefix
.global main
main:                               # This is called by C library's startup code
    mov     rdi, message            # First integer (or pointer) parameter in %edi
    call    puts                    # puts("Hello, World")
    ret                             # Return to C library code
    .asciz "Hello, World"           # asciz puts a 0x00 byte at the end


I'm not familiar with x86, so perhaps I'm missing something. Any ideas?


在AT& T公司的语法, MOV $消息,%RDI $ 手段的直接的,这意味着地址的的消息

In AT&T syntax, mov $message, %rdi, the $ means immediate, meaning the address of message.

在GAS的Intel语法, MOV RDI,消息表示绝对寻址,在的消息的意思是内容即可。要获得的的消息的,您需要提供偏移关键字的实际地址: MOV RDI,偏移信息

In GAS's Intel syntax, mov rdi, message means absolute addressing, meaning the content at message. To get the actual address of message, you need to supply the offset keyword: mov rdi, offset message.


Disassebly of the two binaries shows the difference:

AT& T公司:


0000000000000000 <main>:
0:   48 c7 c7 00 00 00 00    mov    $0x0,%rdi


0000000000000000 <main>:
0:   48 8b 3c 25 00 00 00    mov    0x0,%rdi


10-14 01:48