

我有多模块gradle项目.假设项目 parent 具有模块 module1 module2 .

I've multi-module gradle project. Let's say project parent has modules module1 and module2.

我也在父项目的 settings.gradle 中同时包含了这两个模块.

I have included both the modules in settings.gradle in the parent project as well.

当我在父项目的 build.gradle 中声明公共依赖项时,两个项目都没有编译,但是当我在每个模块的 build.gradle 中添加依赖项时则模块编译成功.

When I declare the common dependencies in build.gradle of parent project, both the project is not compiling but when I add the dependencies in build.gradle of each module then the modules are compiling successfully.




You can declare dependencies for all modules in your project using the allprojects statement in your parent module. This is the essential way of doing so in your parent build.gradle file:

allprojects {
    // Plugins can go here, example:
    apply plugin: 'java'

    dependencies {
        // Dependencies go here, example:
        compile group: 'org.apache.shiro', name: 'shiro-core', version: '1.4.0'

还可以查看有关该主题的Gradle 文档进行深入了解

Check this and this answer for more insight on the configuration point of a multi project.
Also have a look at the Gradle documentation about this topic for a deep dive.


10-23 16:05