


I'm trying to ensure that my concurrent program is free of the following,

  • 死锁

  • livelock

  • 饥饿


我尝试使用 -race 启用编译和运行,没有看到任何投诉。

And I tried compiling and running using -race enabled and did not see any complaints.


Does anyone know whether this checks for all the above issues? Does not receiving any complaints in the output mean to say that the program is free of these issues?


死锁,活锁和饥饿不能通过单独测试消除,它们不会被Go比赛检测器检测到。将在运行时检测到Go程序中的死锁 ,但通常为时已晚。

Deadlock, livelock and starvation cannot be eliminated by testing alone and they are not detected by the Go race detector. Deadlocks in Go programs will be detected at runtime, but then it's usually too late. Livelocks (non-terminating busy loops) will not be detected unless they also cause a deadlock.

线程饥饿与活锁类似,因为应用程序中的不平衡忙碌导致一些活动被阻碍,从未取得预期的进展。一个例子是着名的通过Peter Welch 。

Thread starvation is similar to livelock in that imbalanced busy-ness in an application causes some activities to be stymied and never make the expected progress. An example is the famous 'Wot no Chickens?' by Peter Welch.


The race detector itself is limited in its usefulness because some race conditions depend on environment and the conditions that cause a particular race may be absent during the testing phase, so the race detector will miss them.


If all this sounds rather bleak, there is a body of theoretical work that can help a lot. The premise is that these four dynamic problems are best addressed via design strategies and language features, rather than by testing. As a simple example, the Occam programming language (which is quite like Go in its concurrency model) has a parallel usage rule enforced by the compiler that eliminates race conditions. This imposes a restriction on the programmer: aliases for mutable state (i.e. pointers) are not allowed.


Thread starvation in Go (and Occam) should likewise not be as much a problem as in Java because the concurrency model is better designed. Unless you abuse select, it won't be a problem.

死锁最好由理论设计模式。例如,Martin& Welch发布了,主要描述了客户端 - 服务器策略和i / o-par策略。这是针对Occam程序,但也适用于Go。客户端 - 服务器策略很简单:将您的Go例程网络描述为一组通信服务器及其客户端;确保在网络图中没有循环=>死锁被消除。 I / o-par是一种形成Go程序的环和环的方式,使得结构中不会有死锁。

Deadlock is best addressed by theoretically-based design patterns. For example, Martin & Welch published A Design Strategy for Deadlock-Free Concurrent Systems, which described principally the client-server strategy and the i/o-par strategy. This is aimed at Occam programs but applies to Go as well. The client-server strategy is simple: describe your Go-routine network as a set of communicating servers and their clients; ensure that there are no loops in the network graph => deadlock is eliminated. I/o-par is a way to form rings and toruses of Go-routines such that there will not be a deadlock within the structure.


06-24 10:18