


After reading "Java concurrent in practice" and "OSGI in practice" I found a specific subject very interesting; Safe Publication. The following is from JCIP:

  • 静态初始化程序初始化对象引用。

  • 将对它的引用存储到 volatile 字段中。

  • 将对它的引用存储到 final field。

  • 将对它的引用存储到由(同步)锁定正确保护的字段中。

  • Initializing an object reference from a static initializer.
  • Storing a reference to it into a volatile field.
  • Storing a reference to it into a final field.
  • Storing a reference to it into a field that is properly guarded by a (synchronized) lock.


My first question: how many java developers are aware of this (problem)?How many real world java applications are really following this, AND is this really a real problem? I have a feeling that 99% of the implemented JVMs out there are not that "evil", i.e. a thread is not guaranteed (in fact its practical (almost) "impossible") to see stale data just because the reference is not following the "safe publication idiom" above.



Proportionally, it's probably fair to say that very few programmers sufficiently understand synchronization and concurrency. Who knows how many server applications there are out there right now managing financial transactions, medical records, police records, telephony etc etc that are full of synchronization bugs and essentially work by accident, or very very occasionally fail (never heard of anybody get a phantom phone call added to their telephone bill?) for reasons that are never really looked into or gotten to the bottom of.

对象发布是一个特殊问题,因为它经常被忽视,如果您不了解它,那么编译器进行优化可能会导致意外行为是非常合理的:在JIT编译的代码中,存储指针,然后递增它并存储数据是非常合理的要做的事。您可能认为它是邪恶的,但在较低的层次上,它实际上是您对JVM规范的期望。 (顺便说一下,我听说在JRockit中运行的现实程序遇到了这个问题 - 这不是纯理论上的。)

Object publication is a particular problem because it's often overlooked, and it's a place where it's quite reasonable for compilers to make optimisations that could result in unexpected behaviour if you don't know about it: in the JIT-compiled code, storing a pointer, then incrementing it and storing the data is a very reasonable thing to do. You might think it's "evil", but at a low level, it's really how you'd expect the JVM spec to be. (Incidentally, I've heard of real-life programs running in JRockit suffering from this problem-- it's not purely theoretical.)

如果你知道你的应用程序有同步在您当前的硬件上当前的JVM中出现错误但不是行为不端,然后(a)表示祝贺; (b)现在是时候开始平静地走向火灾出口,在需要升级太多组件之前修复代码并教育程序员。

If you know that your application has synchronization bugs but isn't misbehaving in your current JVM on your current hardware, then (a) congratulations; and (b), now is the time to start "walking calmly towards the fire exit", fixing your code and educating your programmers before you need to upgrade too many components.


09-27 09:12