


在该网站上,图表右上方有一个链接,其中显示导出数据,它将Excel表单下载到我的机器,然后我将数据复制/粘贴。 p>



1 尝试Google。应该很容易做事情。

2 不同的相关Google查询(更复杂但更强大)将是 Google应用脚本电子表格

3 另一种方法(颇受欢迎和有趣)将是Google node.js cheerio scraper

4 如果你问如何做复制/粘贴在Excel VBA然后看看例如并且自动任务调度程序内置在Windows的所有版本中,因此您可以轻松地将vbscript放在那里(请参阅,所以可能有一些DataTables特定的方法可用

Currently I have a spreadsheet with data from the web that I need to update daily. I do this by visiting this site.

On that site, there is a link on the top right of the chart that says "export data", which downloads an Excel sheet to my machine that I then copy/paste the data from.

I know that you can auto-update excel from web tables, but how can I automatically update my data from an exportable sheet like that?


1 Try Google "IFTTT spreadsheet". It should be easy to do thing.

2 Different related Google query (more complicated but more powerful) would be "google app script spreadsheet"

3 Another approach (quite popular and fun) would be Google "node.js cheerio scraper"

4 if you ask just about how to do copy/paste in Excel VBA then look e.g. at Copying and pasting data using VBA code and automatic task sheduler is built-in in all versions of Windows so you can easily place your vbscript there (see an example)

BTW: the code that returns the data when you click the "export data" link comes from https://github.com/DataTables/TableTools so there may be some DataTables-specific approach available


10-20 14:38