

我们知道,默认情况下,HTTP 1.1使用持久连接,这是一个长期连接.对于 Kubernetes 中的任何服务,例如clusterIP模式,它都是基于L4的负载均衡器.

As we know, by default HTTP 1.1 uses persistent connections which is a long-lived connection. For any service in Kubernetes, for example, clusterIP mode, it is L4 based load balancer.


Suppose I have a service which is running a web server, this service contains 3 pods, I am wondering whether HTTP/1.1 requests can be distributed to 3 pods?



此网页完美解决了您的问题: https://learnk8s.io/kubernetes-long-lived-connections

This webpage perfectly address your question: https://learnk8s.io/kubernetes-long-lived-connections


In the spirit of StackOverflow, let me summarize the webpage here:

  1. TLDR:Kubernetes不会平衡长期存在的连接的负载,某些Pod可能比其他Pod收到更多的请求.

  1. TLDR: Kubernetes doesn't load balance long-lived connections, and some Pods might receive more requests than others.


Kubernetes Services do not exist. There's no process listening on the IP address and port of a Service.


The Service IP address is used only as a placeholder that will be translated by iptables rules into the IP addresses of one of the destination pods using cleverly crafted randomization.

来自客户端的任何连接(无论是从内部群集还是从外部群集)都直接与Pods建立,因此对于HTTP 1.1持久连接,将在客户端与特定Pod之间维持连接,直到被POD关闭两侧.

Any connections from clients (regardless from inside or outside cluster) are established directly with the Pods, hence for an HTTP 1.1 persistent connection, the connection will be maintained between the client to a specific Pod until it is closed by either side.


Thus, all requests that use a single persistent connection will be routed to a single Pod (that is selected by the iptables rule when establishing connection) and not load-balanced to the other Pods.


通过W3C RFC2616( https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec8.html#sec8.1.3 ),在客户端和服务器之间提供服务的任何代理服务器都必须维护从客户端到自身以及从自己到服务器之间的HTTP 1.1持久连接.

By W3C RFC2616 (https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec8.html#sec8.1.3), any proxy server that serves between client and server must maintain HTTP 1.1 persistent connections from client to itself and from itself to server.


06-01 14:06