本文介绍了用于 Python 的 3D 场景渲染器的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在寻找一个易于使用的 Python 3D 场景渲染器.我正在寻找的是能够:

I'm looking for an easy to use 3D scene renderer for Python. All I'm looking for is to be able to:

  • 加载 3D 场景模型
  • 使用正交相机渲染它
  • 导出图像以便我进行分析

到目前为止,我发现的软件要么太低级(如基本的 OpenGL 绑定),要么太复杂(如 Ogre).有什么建议吗?

So far the software I've found is either too low-level (like basic OpenGL bindings) or too complex (like Ogre). Any advice?



Really depends exactly what you want to accomplish. How complex is your scene? What sort of render quality are you after? Do you need real-time animation, or are rendered stills good enough?


First-rate, full game engines (have been used for commercial games)

不太流行的 3d 引擎,新的或测试版:YMMV.

Less popular 3d engines, new or beta: YMMV.


Low-level OpenGL interfaces - more control, more for you to do yourself


  • cgkit http://cgkit.sourceforge.net/documentation.html (Renderman, Maya)
  • Blender http://www.blender3d.org/
  • POVray wrapper http://code.activestate.com/recipes/205451/

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07-05 05:27