


What are your tips on implementing a plugin style system?


在C(我认为C ++太虽然我没有做我自己),这是使用动态加载模块最典型的完成。该API:S对于如依赖于平台的

In C (and I think C++ too although I haven't done it myself), this is most typically done using dynamically loaded modules. The API:s for such are platform-dependent.

在POSIX(Linux)的,您可以使用 系列函数。基本上你单独建立自己的插件,然后在运行时加载它,通过名称来查找它的符号,然后可以给他们打电话。

On POSIX (Linux), you use the dlopen() family of functions. Basically you build your plugin separately, then load it at run-time, look up its symbols by name, and can then call them.

对于Win32,有 这确实非常类似的东西,你建立你的code到DLL。

For Win32, there is LoadLibrary() which does something very similar, you build your code into a DLL.

有关一个方便的包装,使所有的这些简单而透明,检查GLib的的的 API。

For a handy wrapper that makes all of these easy and transparent, check out GLib's GModule API.


05-26 01:20