

来自 ZooKeeper常见问题解答:


A single ZooKeeper server (standalone) is essentially a coordinator with
no reliability (a single serving node failure brings down the ZK service).

A 3 server ensemble (you need to jump to 3 and not 2 because ZK works
based on simple majority voting) allows for a single server to fail and
the service will still be available.

So if you want reliability go with at least 3. We typically recommend
having 5 servers in "online" production serving environments. This allows
you to take 1 server out of service (say planned maintenance) and still
be able to sustain an unexpected outage of one of the remaining servers
w/o interruption of the service.


With a 3-server ensemble, if one server is taken out of rotation and one server has an unexpected outage, then there is still one remaining server that should ensure no interruption of service. Then why the need for 5 servers? Or is it more than just interruption of service that is being considered?


感谢@sbridges指出它与维持仲裁有关. ZK定义仲裁的方式是ceil(N/2),其中N是整体中的原始编号(而不仅仅是当前可用的集合).

Thanks to @sbridges for pointing out that it has to do with maintaining a quorum. And the way that ZK defines a quorum is ceil(N/2) where N is the original number in the ensemble (and not just the currently available set).


Now, a google search for ZK quorum finds this in the HBase book chapter on ZK:

爱德华·尤恩(Edward J. Yoon)的博客:

And this paraphrasing of Wikipedia in Edward J. Yoon's blog:



Zookeeper requires that you have a quorum of servers up, where quorum is ceil(N/2). For a 3 server ensemble, that means 2 servers must be up at any time, for a 5 server ensemble, 3 servers need to be up at any time.


05-20 09:28