


i need to setup a development environment for writing Share Point Web Parts. What do I exactly need?

我的开发机器是Windows XP的教授与Visual Studio 2008教授如果发现的和的。但我不能安装它OB的Windows XP,因为共享点服务3.0需要安装在本地。我无法想象这是真的有必要在服务器操作系统安装Visual Studio。

My development machine is a Windows XP Prof. with Visual Studio 2008 Prof. If found Windows Share Point Services 3.0: Software Development Kit (SDK) and Windows Share Point Services 3.0: Tools Visual Studio 2008 Extensions, Version 1.2. But i cannot install it ob Windows XP because Share Point Services 3.0 are required to be installed locally. I can not imagine that it is really necessary to install Visual Studio at a Server Operating System.

有没有其他的方法来设置在Windows XP下的清洁发展环境,并使用专用的Windows服务器上运行共享点服务?

Is there any other way to setup a clean development environment under Windows XP and using a dedicated Windows Server for running Share Point Services?



  1. 创建与Windows Server和Visual Studio上的物理或虚拟机,使用此进行开发。
  2. 使用Vista的工作站与黑客的SharePoint安装就可以了

我个人使用后,现在,随着 STSDev ,我所有的SharePoint工作,我找到比选项1是更漂亮。

Personally I use the latter now, along with STSDev, for all my SharePoint work, I find it much nicer than option 1.


08-06 18:38