

我正在使用GPUImage高斯模糊滤镜来模糊静止图像.我想将模糊大小绑定到UI元素,并且当用户更改该元素时,我会模糊图片.我现在的操作方式是在发生重大变化(> 0.25)时更改blurSize,重新应用滤镜并将新图像设置为imageView的动画.

I was using the GPUImage gaussian blur filter to blur a still image. I want to tie the blur size to an UI element and as the element is changed by the user I blur the picture. The way I am doing it right now is to change the blurSize when there has been a significant (> 0.25) change, reapply the filter and animate the new image into the imageView.


Is there a more efficient way for me to be doing this?

在iPhone 5上,虽然性能也不差,但也不是超级平滑(但这也许是因为此操作过于昂贵,无法实现超级平滑).

On the iPhone 5, while performance is not laggy, it is not super smooth either (but perhaps that is because this operation is simply too expensive to be super smooth).



interesting question. Your best bet is to pre-compute and render CGImages at a couple of blur scales in your range, then use two stacked UIImageViews, with the one on top showing the blurrier copy but partially transparent. For example, if you rendered blurred at radiuses 1,2,3,…,10, and you wanted to show 3.7, you'd show image 3 on the bottom and image 4 on the top, at 70% opacity.

// Created in answer to Nikhil Varma's question at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18804668/gpuimage-animated-gaussian-blur-filter
#import "GPUImage.h"
#define BLUR_STEP 2.
@interface AHViewController : UIViewController

@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIImageView *imageView2;
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIImageView *imageView;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat blurRadius;
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIImage *image;
@property (nonatomic, strong) GPUImageGaussianBlurFilter *blurFilter;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSCache *blurredImageCache;
@property (nonatomic, strong) dispatch_queue_t blurQueue;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableSet *blurAmountsBeingRendered;

@implementation AHViewController

-(void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    self.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"ph.jpg"];
    self.blurFilter = [GPUImageGaussianBlurFilter new];
    self.blurredImageCache = [NSCache new];
    self.blurQueue = dispatch_queue_create("Image Blur Queue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
    self.blurAmountsBeingRendered = [NSMutableSet set];
    self.blurRadius = 1.0;
- (IBAction)sliderDidMove:(UISlider *)sender {
    self.blurRadius = 10 * sender.value;
-(void)setBlurRadius:(CGFloat)blurRadius {
    _blurRadius = blurRadius;
    CGFloat smaller = self.blurRadius - fmodf(self.blurRadius, BLUR_STEP);
    [self asyncGenerateImageWithBlurAmount:smaller];
    CGFloat larger = smaller + BLUR_STEP;
    [self asyncGenerateImageWithBlurAmount:larger];

-(UIImage *)cachedImageWithBlurAmount:(CGFloat)blur {
    return [self.blurredImageCache objectForKey:@(blur)];
-(void)asyncGenerateImageWithBlurAmount:(CGFloat)blur {
    // This image is already available.
    if([self.blurredImageCache objectForKey:@(blur)]) {
        [self imageIsAvailableWithBlur:blur];
    // There's already a render going on for this. Just return.
    if([self.blurAmountsBeingRendered containsObject:@(blur)])

    // Start a render
    [self.blurAmountsBeingRendered addObject:@(blur)];
    dispatch_async(self.blurQueue, ^{
        self.blurFilter.blurSize = blur;
        UIImage *result = [self.blurFilter imageByFilteringImage:self.image];
        [self.blurredImageCache setObject:result forKey:@(blur)];
        [self.blurAmountsBeingRendered removeObject:@(blur)];
        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
            [self imageIsAvailableWithBlur:blur];

-(void)imageIsAvailableWithBlur:(CGFloat)blurAmount {
    CGFloat smaller = self.blurRadius - fmodf(self.blurRadius, BLUR_STEP);
    CGFloat larger = smaller + BLUR_STEP;

    UIImage *sharperImage = [self cachedImageWithBlurAmount:smaller];
    UIImage *blurrier = [self cachedImageWithBlurAmount:larger];
    if(sharperImage && blurrier) {
        if(![self.imageView.image isEqual:sharperImage])
            self.imageView.image = sharperImage;
        if(![self.imageView2.image isEqual:blurrier]) {
            self.imageView2.image = blurrier;
        self.imageView2.alpha = (self.blurRadius - smaller) / BLUR_STEP;



08-31 06:13