


  public static IEnumerable< TSource> GenericFullTextSearch< TSource>(字符串文本,MyDataContext上下文)
object [] info = typeof(TSource).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.Data.Linq。 Mapping.TableAttribute),true);
String table =(info [0] as System.Data.Linq.Mapping.TableAttribute).Name;
return context.ExecuteQuery< TSource>(String.Concat(SELECT * FROM,table,WHERE CONTAINS(*,{0})),text );

$ / code>


  public static IEnumerable< Pet> FullTextSearch(string text,MyDataContext context)
return(LinqUtilities.GenericFullTextSearch< Pet>(text,context)as IEnumerable< Pet>);

$ b现在我可以用像

  var Pets = Pet.FullTextSearch(helloimatextbox.Text,MyDataContext).Skip(10).Take(10); 




There's no full text search built into Linq and there don't seem to be many posts on the subject so I had a play around and came up with this method for my utlity class:

public static IEnumerable<TSource> GenericFullTextSearch<TSource>(string text, MyDataContext context)
    //Find LINQ Table attribute
    object[] info = typeof(TSource).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.Data.Linq.Mapping.TableAttribute), true);
    //Get table name
    String table = (info[0] as System.Data.Linq.Mapping.TableAttribute).Name;
    //Full text search on that table
    return context.ExecuteQuery<TSource>(String.Concat("SELECT * FROM ", table, " WHERE CONTAINS(*, {0})"), text);

And added this wrapper to each partial Linq class where there is a full text index

public static IEnumerable<Pet> FullTextSearch(string text, MyDataContext context)
    return (LinqUtilities.GenericFullTextSearch<Pet>(text, context) as IEnumerable<Pet>);

So now I can do full text searches with neat stuff like

var Pets = Pet.FullTextSearch(helloimatextbox.Text, MyDataContext).Skip(10).Take(10);

I'm assuming only a very basic search is necessary at present. Can anyone improve on this? Is it possible to implement as an extension method and avoid the wrapper?


The neatest solution is to use an inline table valued function in sql and add it to your model



09-26 08:57