

我遇到的代码库switch语句我工作,我试图找出如何更好的东西,因为的。不过,在通过几个岗位上有关的的 我似乎无法想象来代替这个特殊的switch语句的有效途径。

I've come across a switch statement in the codebase I'm working on and I'm trying to figure out how to replace it with something better since switch statements are considered a code smell. However, having read through several posts on stackoverflow about replacing switch statements I can't seem to think of an effective way to replace this particular switch statement.


Its left me wondering if this particular switch statement is ok and if there are particular circumstances where switch statements are considered appropriate.


In my case the code (slightly obfuscated naturally) that I'm struggling with is like this:

private MyType DoSomething(IDataRecord reader)
    var p = new MyType
                   Id = (int)reader[idIndex],
                   Name = (string)reader[nameIndex]

    switch ((string) reader[discountTypeIndex])
        case "A":
            p.DiscountType = DiscountType.Discountable;
        case "B":
            p.DiscountType = DiscountType.Loss;
        case "O":
            p.DiscountType = DiscountType.Other;

    return p;


Can anyone suggest a way to eliminate this switch? Or is this an appropriate use of a switch? And if it is, are there other appropriate uses for switch statements? I'd really like to know where they are appropriate so I don't waste too much time trying to eliminate every switch statement I come across just because they are considered a smell in some circumstances.


Update: At the suggestion of Michael I did a bit of searching for duplication of this logic and discovered that someone had created logic in another class that effectively made the whole switch statement redundant. So in the context of this particular bit of code the switch statement was unnecessary. However, my question is more about the appropriateness of switch statements in code and whether we should always try to replace them whenever they are found so in this case I'm inclined to accept the answer that this switch statement is appropriate.



This is an appropriate use for a switch statment, as it makes the choices readable, and easy to add or subtract one.


10-25 09:04