

我正在尝试从 PHCollectionList 访问 PHAssetCollection 。主要想法是从我的iPhone(iOS 10.2)上的People智能文件夹中获取所有集合(以及内部资产)。要获取 PHCollectionList 我正在使用当前代码:

I'm trying to access PHAssetCollections from PHCollectionList. The main idea is to fetch all collections (and assets inside) from "People" smart folder on my iPhone (iOS 10.2). To fetch PHCollectionList I'm using current code:

PHFetchResult *listFetchResult = 
[PHCollectionList fetchCollectionListsWithType:PHCollectionListTypeSmartFolder 
PHCollectionList *list = listFetchResult[0];
NSLog(@"title: %@",list.localizedTitle);

这可以按预期工作。控制台输出:标题:人物。 list.canContainAssets 返回 list.canContainCollections 返回 YES


This works as expected. Console output: "title: People". list.canContainAssets returns NO and list.canContainCollections returns YES.
Then, I'm trying to fetch asset collections from list:

PHFetchResult *collectionFetchResult = 
[PHCollection fetchCollectionsInCollectionList:list options:nil];

collectionFetchResult.count 总是返回0但是如果我打开照片应用程序,我会在人物文件夹中看到10个集合。

collectionFetchResult.count always returns 0. But if I open Photos app i see 10 collections inside "People" folder.


Is it possible to access collections (and photos inside them) from "People" smart album in Photos app?


同步面孔相册是指旧功能(在某些配置中仍然支持):同步功能在iPhoto for OS X(10.10及更早版本)中通过iTunes为iOS设备定义的专辑。其中一张专辑是iPhoto的Faces功能(现代照片'人物功能的精神祖先)。

The "synced Faces" album refers to an older feature (which is still supported in some configurations): the ability to sync albums defined in iPhoto for OS X (10.10 and earlier) to an iOS device through iTunes. One of those albums is iPhoto's Faces feature (the spiritual ancestor of modern Photos' People feature).

没有用于访问人物功能创建的专辑的API适用于iOS 10的照片。(Ditto for Moments,场景分类以及iOS 10中的大多数其他照片应用功能。)为了获得此类支持,最好的选择是。

There is no API for accessing "albums" created by the People feature in Photos for iOS 10. (Ditto for Moments, scene classification, and most of the other Photos app features in iOS 10.) To lobby for such support, your best bet is to file bugs.


09-16 09:04