


我是wpf,c#的新手。在文本框中有字符大小写选项,但无法获得richtextbox wpf的解决方案。


HiI am working on a computer application. I want to provide user to select upper case from combobox and when he type, the font in rich text box convert into uppercase. The final typed document will consist mixture of few lines in uppercase and few lines in lower case.

I am new to wpf, c#. In text box there is option for character casing but could not able to get a solution for richtextbox wpf.

What I have tried:

I have tried with in textbox. There is charactercasing. But no such thing in wpf rich text box. 


private void RichTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
    var textBox = (RichTextBox)sender;

    var docStart = textBox.Document.ContentStart.DocumentStart;
    foreach ( var change in e.Changes )
        if( change.AddedLength > 0 )
            var changeStart = docStart.GetPositionAtOffset(change.Offset, LogicalDirection.Forward);
            var changeEnd =   docStart.GetPositionAtOffset(change.Offset+change.AddedLength, LogicalDirection.Forward);
            var changedRange = new TextRange(changeStart, changeEnd);
            var currentText = changedRange.Text;
            var upperText = currentText.ToUpper();
            if( upperText != currentText )
                changedRange.Text = upperText;
                Debug.Print("Replaced " + currentText);
            textBox.Selection.Select(changeEnd, changeEnd);



09-15 08:29