


Could anyone please suggest a software process suitable to the work our team?

  1. 我们是一个由6个开发人员组成的团队(主要是初级人员) 。

  2. 我们正在支持在线图书商店的订购系统(类似于Amazon图书)。

  3. 该系统已经在线且正在运行。 / li>
  4. 大部分工作是基于任务的。有时存在需要立即修复的错误,或者需要将新模块添加到系统中。

  5. 大多数情况下,每个开发人员都在研究单独的错误模块,据估计时间可能从几个小时到几天不等。

  6. 我们的客户(管理部门)位于另一个国家(我们正在外包),因此需求需要很长时间来验证或讨论。

  1. We are a team of 6 developers (mostly juniors).
  2. We are supporting the ordering system for an online book store (similar to Amazon books).
  3. The system is already online and functioning.
  4. Most of the work is task based. Sometimes there is a bug that needs immediate fixing or a new module that needs to be added to the system.
  5. Most of the time each developer is working on a separate module of bug which it's estimated time could range from few hours to few days.
  6. Our customers (the management department) are located in another country (we are being outsourced) so requirements take a long time to verify or discuss.


You can view us mainly as a team of freelancers each waiting for a task to be handed to him. Sometimes if a big module is required 2 or 3 developers start working together on it, but that's when things starts going bad as we lack a well defined software process to adhere too.


  • 在我们的案例中,Waterfall模型显然失败了,因为我们的团队负责收集需求,设计,编码和测试所有内容。

  • 我们尝试采用敏捷实践,但这是一个彻底的失败,主要是因为第4点,第5点和第5点。 6.我们的工作中没有迭代或原型。


So We are looking for a software process that can help us organize our work and provide an acceptable output.



You say you're mainly Juniors. So, learn to walk before you try to run. I suggest you try a staged delivery model. And I also suggest you try reading this book:http://www.amazon.com/Software-Project-Survival-Guide-Practices/dp/1572316217


08-20 02:04