

TL;博士版本:什么是你可以给我,关于3D游戏架构的最好的建议(即您的体验,而不是从书本上学)? (如在,如何设计并连接一个3D游戏的组分)




我要到我大学的第二年,我19岁。 我没有经验,我有书本知识。所以我想了你和你的知识,捎带你已经从经验中获得的。






I want more answers like that.

What are the most important game architecture concepts and tricks that you've taken from your experience as a game developer? When you sit down to write a game, how do you organize things? Do you separate your view and your model, or do you intertwine them and refactor later? What do you want to say about the effectiveness of MVC as a game architecture pattern? How do you keep track of so many things (graphics, audio, file loading, collision, AI, network) and make them all work together to create a finished game? How do you use design patterns and preserve the object oriented-ness of your game? How do you write automated tests for your game?

I can come up with a million questions, but right now I just want to hear in general, whatever sticks out in your mind. What sort of experiences have you been through that changed your thinking? What is your philosophy when writing your games? How do you stay organized amidst the confusion and the massive-ness of the task of 3D game creation?

What game development tricks have you learned from experience?

Thank you for taking the time to read & respond!!

  1. The rest of my list may be crap, but the most important thing is to just do it. You want experience making games, so make a game. Make your goal to complete a game, not just to work on a game.

  2. Start simple and make progressively more complex games. Simpler games are easier to design, but can still be challenging. The lessons you'll learn will help you design more complex systems. Ain't no shame in making 2D games or clones of existing games.

  3. Follow the Solid principles of object oriented design. You sound like you want to unit test. Solid principles are key for designing testable objects.

  4. Only use design patterns to solve problems. For instance, you may be tempted to use a singleton for an object with only one instance. Having only one instance of an object is not a problem. Lets say you want to unit test your game logic without your display logic doing anything, then MVC solves your problem.

  5. Do what works for you. I track my progress with note cards arranged as a todo list on my wall. For a single person project, todo lists work very well.

  6. Become friends with art students.

  7. Find or start a game making club at your school. Work together to make simple games.

  8. Old wizened authors tell aspirant authors that they have to write one millions words before they can write one worth reading. I think the adage also holds for game design. I'm not old nor wizened yet, but I say be prepared to design and complete ten games before you get praise from random strangers.

  9. Use source control. I'm a big fan of Mercurial using the TortoiseHG client.


08-21 16:48