


I want to make a program which takes video and audio and merges them. Video type or audio type is not important for me. How can I make this? Does any library exist for this? I know there are many programs about this topic but I want to learn how to implement such a program.


您要尝试做的技术术语是' 多路复用 ",通常称为"多路复用".

The technical term for what you are trying to do is 'multiplexing', and commonly referred to as 'muxing'.

FFmpeg 是一种多平台命令行工具,可以做到这一点,并在业界引起争议标准.许多项目将FFmpeg包装到库和GUI中.

FFmpeg is a multiplatform command line tool that does this, and arguable the industry standard. Many projects wrap FFmpeg into libraries and GUIs.

FFmpeg也是开源的,因此您可以下载代码并查看他们的工作方式. siad,它很大而且很复杂.

FFmpeg is also open source, so you can download the code and see how they have done it. That siad, it is very big and complex.

如果您对将单独的音频和视频文件混合到目标文件中的实际机制感兴趣,那么您将需要了解有关 容器格式 编解码器 .

If you are interested in the actual mechanics of muxing separate audio and video files together into a destination file, then you will need to learn much about container formats and Codecs.


08-06 19:14