本文介绍了Ansible:即使 become_user 是 sudo 用户,也无法配置 sudo 命令的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


testuser 是 sudo 用户,

testuser is a sudo user,

sudo cat /etc/sudoers.d/90-cloud-init-testuser

我可以手动登录 testuser 并在没有密码的情况下运行以下内容:

I can login testuser manually and run following without password:

sudo -H apt-get update
sudo -H apt-get upgrade

但是如果我按照 ansible 代码运行,虽然我看到 whoami 命令返回 testuser,然后代码会因致命错误而停止(请参阅下面的代码和错误).

but if I run following ansible code, although I saw whoami command return testuser, then the code stops with fatal error (see code and error below).

我是否必须将 become_user 设置为 root 才能运行(请参阅我注释掉的行)?注意我可以手动登录 testuser 并运行 sudo 命令,我不能使用 become_user=testuser 来安装 apt 吗?注意我认为 remote_user 无关紧要,因为 whoami 命令只取决于 become_user.实际上我觉得 remote_user 没用,它只是让我登录.如果 become_user 未设置.然后 whoami 成为 root,如果 become_user 设置为 testuser,则 whoami 成为 testuser.

Must I set become_user as root in order to run (see the line I comment out)? Note I CAN login testuser manually and run sudo command, can't I use become_user=testuser to Install apt? Note I think remote_user does not matter because whoami command only depends on become_user.in fact I feel remote_user is useless, it just log me in. if become_user is unset. then whoami become root, if become_user is set as testuser, then whoami become testuser.

- hosts: all
  remote_user: ubuntu
  become: yes
  become_user: testuser
  gather_facts: yes
  become_method: sudo
  - name: test which user I am
    shell: whomami
    register: hello
  - debug: msg="{{ hello.stdout }}"
  - name: Update and upgrade apt.
#    become_user: root
#    become: yes
    apt: update_cache=yes upgrade=dist cache_valid_time=3600

TASK [Update and upgrade apt.]
fatal: [XX.XX.XX.XX]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg":

"'/usr/bin/apt-get dist-upgrade' failed: E: Could not open lock file
/var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)\nE: Unable to lock
the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?\n", "rc":
100, "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}


您需要连接具有 sudo 权限的帐户 - 在您的情况下为 testuser - 然后以提升的权限运行 play/task(become: truebecome: root 这是默认的),所以:

You need to connect with an account which has sudo permissions ― in your case testuser ― and then run play/task with elevated permissions (become: true, and become: root which is default), so:

  • 或者给 ubuntu 添加 sudo 权限,
  • 或与 testuser 联系.
  • either add sudo permissions to ubuntu,
  • or connect with testuser.

sudo 与您在问题中暗示的方式不同.

sudo does not work the way you imply in the question.

任何命令都在特定用户的上下文中运行——testuser,或 ubuntu,或 root.没有像sudo testuser"那样运行命令.

Any command runs in a context of a specific user ― either testuser, or ubuntu, or root. There is no such thing as running a command as a "sudo testuser".

sudo 以不同的用户(默认为 root)执行命令.执行 sudo 的用户必须具有适当的权限.

sudo executes a command as a different user (root by default). User executing sudo must have appropriate permissions.

  • 如果你以 testuser 登录并执行 sudo -H apt-get update 它是(几乎)相同就像您以 root 身份登录并运行 apt-get update 一样.

  • If you log in as testuser and execute sudo -H apt-get update it is (almost) the same as if you logged in as root and ran apt-get update.

如果您以 ubuntu 身份登录并运行 sudo -u testuser apt-get update(这是问题中 Ansible 任务的对应 shell)― 这与您使用 testuser 登录并运行 apt-get update 时(几乎)相同.

If you log in as ubuntu and run sudo -u testuser apt-get update (which is a shell counterpart to the Ansible tasks in the question) ― it is (almost) the same as if you logged on with testuser and ran apt-get update.

testuser 运行 apt-get update 会得到一个错误——这就是你得到的.

testuser running apt-get update will get an error ― and this is what you get.


"almost", because it depends on settings regarding environment variables ― not relevant to the problem here.

这篇关于Ansible:即使 become_user 是 sudo 用户,也无法配置 sudo 命令的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-02 06:12