


I am finally trying to wrap my head around shaders, using a tutorial I found. I decided to start with Qt5 (Windows) since I'm familiar with it and can focus on learning GLSL itself to start with. The only difference between what I'm doing and the tutorial is that I'm working with a QOpenGLWidget rather than a QOpenGLWindow (I just have a form with one widget on it, nothing special).


To get started with a fragment shader, in Qt I added a new desktop (not ES) fragment shader to my project, and Qt generates the following shader:

uniform sampler2D qt_Texture0;
varying vec4 qt_TexCoord0;

void main(void)
    gl_FragColor = texture2D(qt_Texture0, qt_TexCoord0.st);


However, when compiling this shader, it generates this error:

QOpenGLShader::compile(Fragment): ERROR: 0:2: '' : No precision specified for (float)


I did a little bit of searching around and found this answer which states:

据此,我的结论是我的应用程序使用的是OpenGL ES,而不是台式机(否则就不会期望定义精度).

From this, my conclusion is that my application is using OpenGL ES and not Desktop (otherwise it wouldn't expect a precision to be defined).

我看到的GL版本字符串是 OpenGL ES 2.0(ANGLE首先,在同一台计算机上的Qt4中,版本字符串为 3.0.0-Build .

The GL version string I'm seeing is OpenGL ES 2.0 (ANGLE Fwiw, in Qt4 on this same machine, the version string is 3.0.0 - Build

假设我的结论是正确的,我的问题是:如何配置应用程序以使用常规OpenGL而不是OpenGL ES?

Assuming my conclusion is correct, my question is: How can I configure the application to use regular OpenGL instead of OpenGL ES?


The suggestion in the comments to set the surface format's renderable type to OpenGL seemed promising, but it isn't working. For example, if I change it in the widget's constructor:

View::View (QWidget *parent) :

    QSurfaceFormat f = format();
    qDebug() << "type was" << f.renderableType();

    qDebug() << "type set to" << f.renderableType();

    qDebug() << "type is now" << format().renderableType();


void View::initializeGL () {

    qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "type is now" << this->format().renderableType();


问题仍然存在,输出为(0 =默认,1 = OpenGL,2 = OpenGLES):

The issue persists and the output is (0 = default, 1 = OpenGL, 2 = OpenGLES):

type was 0
type set to 1
type is now 1
initializeGL type is now 2


So it appears to be being forced back to OpenGLES at some point between the constructor and initializeGL.


I observed similar behavior when setting the default surface format before constructing any GUI objects (and before constructing the QApplication) as well.


Windows上的Qt5将使用ANGLE作为后备(使用Direct3D模拟OpenGL ES 2.0).编译)或视频驱动程序不支持现代OpenGL(即,如果您只有Microsoft提供的常规驱动程序).

Qt5 on Windows will use ANGLE as a fallback (emulating OpenGL ES 2.0 with Direct3D) if either the video card is blacklisted (in ANGLE configuration at the time Qt was compiled) or the video driver does not support modern OpenGL (i.e. if you have only the stock driver provided by Microsoft).


You can force the application to use OpenGL instead of angle by adding:


在main.cpp文件中,或者将环境变量 QT_OPENGL 设置为桌面"(不带引号).您可以在此处找到更多详细信息: http://doc.qt.io/qt -5/windows-requirements.html

in your main.cpp file or by setting the environment variable QT_OPENGL to "desktop" (without quotes). You can find more details here: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/windows-requirements.html


09-12 14:56