

我正在尝试在Windows 7计算机上安装mongodb.当尝试使用mongod命令启动它时,出现此错误. dbpath(\ data \ db)不存在.我按照教程.所有文件夹都存在C:\mongodb\logC:\mongodb\data and C:\mongodb\data\db.

I'm trying to install mongodb on my window 7 machine. When trying to start it by using the mongod command I get this error. dbpath (\data\db) does not exist. I followed the steps ath the tutorial. All the folders exist C:\mongodb\log, C:\mongodb\data and C:\mongodb\data\db .


默认路径为c:\ data \ db.您正在尝试使用c:\​​ mongodb \ data \ db.

The default path is c:\data\db. You are trying to use c:\mongodb\data\db.

这意味着您必须对mongod命令使用选项--dbpath c:\ mongodb \ data \ db.

This means you have to use the option --dbpath c:\mongodb\data\db for mongod command.


10-15 12:21