

我想根据操作系统类型在 ant 任务中设置不同的属性.

I want to set a property in an ant task differently by os type.

属性是一个目录,在 windows 中我希望它是在 unix/linux 中的c:\flag"/opt/flag".

The property is a directory, in windows i want it to be "c:\flag" in unix/linux "/opt/flag".


My current script only works when i run it with the default target, but why ?

    <target name="checksw_path" depends="if_windows, if_unix"/>

<target name="checkos">
    <condition property="isWindows">
        <os family="windows" />

    <condition property="isLinux">
        <os family="unix" />

<target name="if_windows" depends="checkos" if="isWindows">
   <property name="sw.root" value="c:\flag" />
    <echo message="${sw.root}"/>

<target name="if_unix" depends="checkos" if="isLinux">
    <property name="sw.root" value="/opt/flag" />
    <echo message="${sw.root}"/>


In all my ant targets i've added a "depends=checksw_path".

如果我在 Windows 中运行默认目标,我得到了正确的c:\flag",但如果我运行一个非默认目标,我得到调试进入 if_windows 但指令"没有设置保留/opt/flag 的属性.我正在使用蚂蚁 1.7.1.

If i run the default target in windows i've got correctly "c:\flag" but if i run a non default target i've got that the debug goes in the if_windows but the instruction " " does not set the property that remains /opt/flag. I'm using ant 1.7.1.


我使用 -Dsw.root=c:\flag(对于 Windows)或 -Dsw.root= 解决了使用 sw.root 的值执行 ant 任务/opt/superwaba(适用于 Linux).

I solved executing the ant task with the value for sw.root using -Dsw.root=c:\flag (for windows) or -Dsw.root=/opt/superwaba (for linux).



08-07 07:21