


library(janeaustenr) # to get some text data

mytext <- austen_books() %>%
  mutate(label = as.integer(str_detect(text, 'great'))) #create a fake label variable

mytext_spark <- copy_to(sc, mytext, name = 'mytext_spark', overwrite = TRUE)

# Source:   table<mytext_spark> [?? x 3]
# Database: spark_connection
   text                                                                    book                label
   <chr>                                                                   <chr>               <int>
 1 SENSE AND SENSIBILITY                                                   Sense & Sensibility     0
 2 ""                                                                      Sense & Sensibility     0
 3 by Jane Austen                                                          Sense & Sensibility     0
 4 ""                                                                      Sense & Sensibility     0
 5 (1811)                                                                  Sense & Sensibility     0
 6 ""                                                                      Sense & Sensibility     0
 7 ""                                                                      Sense & Sensibility     0
 8 ""                                                                      Sense & Sensibility     0
 9 ""                                                                      Sense & Sensibility     0
10 CHAPTER 1                                                               Sense & Sensibility     0
11 ""                                                                      Sense & Sensibility     0
12 ""                                                                      Sense & Sensibility     0
13 The family of Dashwood had long been settled in Sussex.  Their estate   Sense & Sensibility     0
14 was large, and their residence was at Norland Park, in the centre of    Sense & Sensibility     0
15 their property, where, for many generations, they had lived in so       Sense & Sensibility     0
16 respectable a manner as to engage the general good opinion of their     Sense & Sensibility     0


The dataframe is reasonably tiny in size (about 70k rows and 14k unique words).

现在,在我的集群上训练naive bayes模型只需要几秒钟.首先,我定义pipeline

Now, training a naive bayes model only takes a few seconds on my cluster.First, I define the pipeline

pipeline <- ml_pipeline(sc) %>%
                     output.col = 'mytoken',
                     pattern = "\\s+",
                     gaps =TRUE) %>%
  ft_count_vectorizer(input_col = 'mytoken', output_col = 'finaltoken') %>%
  ml_naive_bayes( label_col = "label",
                  features_col = "finaltoken",
                  prediction_col = "pcol",
                  probability_col = "prcol",
                  raw_prediction_col = "rpcol",
                  model_type = "multinomial",
                  smoothing = 0,
                  thresholds = c(1, 1))

然后训练naive bayes模型

> library(microbenchmark)
> microbenchmark(model <- ml_fit(pipeline, mytext_spark),times = 3)
Unit: seconds
                                    expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq      max neval
 model <- ml_fit(pipeline, mytext_spark) 6.718354 6.996424 7.647227 7.274494 8.111663 8.948832     3

现在的问题是,尝试在相同(实际上很小!)的数据集上运行任何基于tree的模型(random forestboosted trees等)将不起作用.

Now the problem is that trying to run any tree-based model (random forest, boosted trees, etc) on the same (actually tiny!!) dataset will not work.

pipeline2 <- ml_pipeline(sc) %>%
                     output.col = 'mytoken',
                     pattern = "\\s+",
                     gaps =TRUE) %>%
  ft_count_vectorizer(input_col = 'mytoken', output_col = 'finaltoken') %>%
  ml_gbt_classifier( label_col = "label",
                     features_col = "finaltoken",
                     prediction_col = "pcol",
                     probability_col = "prcol",
                     raw_prediction_col = "rpcol",
                     max_memory_in_mb = 10240,
                     cache_node_ids = TRUE)

model2 <- ml_fit(pipeline2, mytext_spark)
# wont work :(

我认为这是由于令牌的矩阵表示的稀疏性引起的,但是在这里有什么可以做的吗?这是sparklyr问题吗? spark问题?我的代码效率不高吗?

I think this is due to the sparseness of the matrix representation of the tokens, but is there anything that can be done here? Is this a sparklyr problem? A spark problem? Is my code non-efficient?



您收到此错误,是因为您实际上达到了Spark中的著名2G限制 https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-6235

You are getting this error because you are actually hitting the famous 2G limit that we have in Spark https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-6235



This is actually two gotchas in this post :

  • 使用本地数据.
  • Spark中基于树的模型需要大量内存.


So, let’s review your code which seems harmless;

 library(janeaustenr) # to get some text data

 mytext <- austen_books() %>%
    mutate(label = as.integer(str_detect(text, 'great'))) # create a fake label variable

 mytext_spark <- copy_to(sc, mytext, name = 'mytext_spark', overwrite = TRUE)


So what does the last line do ?

copy_to(不适用于大数据集),实际上只是将本地R数据帧复制到1个分区Spark DataFrame

copy_to (not designed for big data sets), actually just copies the local R data frame to a 1 partition Spark DataFrame


So you’ll just need to repartition your data to make sure that once the pipeline prepares your data before feeding into gbt, the partition size is smaller than 2GB.


So you can just do the following to repartition your data :

# 20 is an arbitrary number I chose to test and it seems to work well in this case,
# you might want to reconsider that if you have a bigger dataset.
mytext_spark <-
 copy_to(sc, mytext, name = 'mytext_spark', overwrite = TRUE) %>%
 sdf_repartition(partitions = 20)

PS1 :max_memory_in_mb是您为gbt计算其统计信息而提供的内存量.它与输入的数据量没有直接关系.

PS1: max_memory_in_mb is the amount of memory you are giving for gbt to computes it's statistics. It's not related directly to the amount of data as input.

PS2::如果没有为执行程序设置足够的内存,则可能会遇到java.lang.OutOfMemoryError : GC overhead limit exceeded

PS2: If you didn't set up enough memory to your executors, you might run into a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError : GC overhead limit exceeded


What's the meaning of repartitioning data ?


We can always refer to the definition of what a partition is before talking about repartitioning. I'll try to be short.

Spark使用分区管理数据,该分区有助于以最少的网络流量并行化分布式数据处理,以便在执行程序之间发送数据. 默认情况下,Spark尝试将数据从RDD附近的节点读取到RDD中.由于Spark通常会访问分布式分区数据,因此为了优化转换操作,它会创建分区来保存数据块.

Spark manages data using partitions that helps parallelize distributed data processing with minimal network traffic for sending data between executors. By default, Spark tries to read data into an RDD from the nodes that are close to it. Since Spark usually accesses distributed partitioned data, to optimize transformation operations it creates partitions to hold the data chunks.


Increasing partitions count will make each partition to have less data (or not at all!)

来源:@JacekLaskowski的摘录精通Apache Spark书.

source: excerpt from @JacekLaskowski Mastering Apache Spark book.

但是,在这种情况下,数据分区并不总是正确的.因此需要重新分区. (sdf_repartition表示sparklyr)

But data partitions isn't always right, like in this case. So repartition is needed. (sdf_repartition for sparklyr)


sdf_repartition will scatter and shuffle your data across your nodes. i.e sdf_repartition(20) will create of 20 partitions of your data instead of the 1 you originally have in this case.



config <- spark_config()
config$`sparklyr.shell.driver-memory` <- "4G"
config$`sparklyr.shell.executor-memory` <- "4G"
Sys.setenv(SPARK_HOME = "/Users/eliasah/server/spark-2.3.1-SNAPSHOT-bin-2.7.3")
sc <- spark_connect(master = "local", config = config)

library(janeaustenr) # to get some text data

mytext <- austen_books() %>%
  mutate(label = as.integer(str_detect(text, 'great'))) #create a fake label variable

mytext_spark <- copy_to(sc, mytext, name = 'mytext_spark', overwrite = TRUE) %>% sdf_repartition(partitions = 20)

pipeline <- ml_pipeline(sc) %>%
                     output.col = 'mytoken',
                     pattern = "\\s+",
                     gaps =TRUE) %>%
  ft_count_vectorizer(input_col = 'mytoken', output_col = 'finaltoken') %>%
  ml_naive_bayes( label_col = "label",
                  features_col = "finaltoken",
                  prediction_col = "pcol",
                  probability_col = "prcol",
                  raw_prediction_col = "rpcol",
                  model_type = "multinomial",
                  smoothing = 0,
                  thresholds = c(1, 1))

microbenchmark(model <- ml_fit(pipeline, mytext_spark),times = 3)

pipeline2 <- ml_pipeline(sc) %>%
                     output.col = 'mytoken',
                     pattern = "\\s+",
                     gaps =TRUE) %>%
  ft_count_vectorizer(input_col = 'mytoken', output_col = 'finaltoken') %>%
  ml_gbt_classifier( label_col = "label",
                     features_col = "finaltoken",
                     prediction_col = "pcol",
                     probability_col = "prcol",
                     raw_prediction_col = "rpcol",
                     max_memory_in_mb = 10240, # this is amount of data that can be use for
                     cache_node_ids = TRUE)

model2 <- ml_fit(pipeline2, mytext_spark)

pipeline3 <- ml_pipeline(sc) %>%
                     output.col = 'mytoken',
                     pattern = "\\s+",
                     gaps =TRUE) %>%
  ft_count_vectorizer(input_col = 'mytoken', output_col = 'finaltoken')

# PipelineModel (Transformer) with 3 stages
# <pipeline_1ce45bb8b7a7>
#   Stages
# |--1 RegexTokenizer (Transformer)
# |    <regex_tokenizer_1ce4342b543b>
# |     (Parameters -- Column Names)
# |      input_col: text
# |      output_col: mytoken
# |--2 CountVectorizerModel (Transformer)
# |    <count_vectorizer_1ce4e0e6489>
# |     (Parameters -- Column Names)
# |      input_col: mytoken
# |      output_col: finaltoken
# |     (Transformer Info)
# |      vocabulary: <list>
# |--3 GBTClassificationModel (Transformer)
# |    <gbt_classifier_1ce41ab30213>
# |     (Parameters -- Column Names)
# |      features_col: finaltoken
# |      label_col: label
# |      prediction_col: pcol
# |      probability_col: prcol
# |      raw_prediction_col: rpcol
# |     (Transformer Info)
# |      feature_importances:  num [1:39158] 6.73e-04 7.20e-04 1.01e-15 1.97e-03 0.00 ...
# |      num_classes:  int 2
# |      num_features:  int 39158
# |      total_num_nodes:  int 540
# |      tree_weights:  num [1:20] 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 ...
# |      trees: <list>


08-13 18:51