本文介绍了如何在ReactJS上使用PayPal的Express In-Context Checkout?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm following this PayPal tutorial about how to generate a PayPal button, but nothing works. The code it provides to make the button appear mysteriously worked only once for me, but after a refresh, it disappear and there's no Christ to make it appear again.


This is the code being executed inside of a React component

  class Storefronts extends Component {
    render() {
      return (
        <div className="layout-wrapper">
          {this.props.location.pathname === '/shops' ? <Shops {...this.props}/> : <Basic {...this.props}/>}
            window.paypalCheckoutReady = function() {
              paypal.checkout.setup('MERCHANTID', {
                environment: 'sandbox',
                container: 'test1',

这是店面包含 Shop 的组件,在这个组件中有一个组件。基本上,它是一个展示其产品的商店,每个产品()都需要一个按钮:

This is a Storefront component that holds a Shop, and inside this one has a Card component. Basically, it's a shop that shows its products, and each product (Card) needs to have a button:

class Card extends Editor {
  render() {
    const {list} = this.props;
    let img = '/images/logo-v2-small.jpg';

    return (
      {list.map(item =>{
        return (
          <Col xs={6} md={3}>
            <Link to={{ pathname: '/shops/' + item.id }}>
              <Thumbnail src={img} alt={item.name}>
                  <Button bsStyle="primary">Book</Button>
                  <a id="test1" href="/checkout"/> // The button should appear here.
                  <p className="pull-right">


There's nothing saying about its usage with React and no recent module for it.



You could create your own PayPal Button component.

class PayPalButton extends React.Component {
  constructor() {
    // you can take this value from a config.js module for example.
    this.merchantId = '6XF3MPZBZV6HU';

  componentDidMount() {
    let container = this.props.id;
    let merchantId = this.merchantId;
    window.paypalCheckoutReady = function() {
      paypal.checkout.setup(merchantId, {
        locale: 'en_US',
        environment: 'sandbox',
        container: container,

  render() {
      <a id={this.props.id} href="/checkout" />

ReactDOM.render(<PayPalButton id="button" />, document.getElementById('View'));

Working example on JSFiddle.

这篇关于如何在ReactJS上使用PayPal的Express In-Context Checkout?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

11-01 19:56