

所以我最近通过anaconda提示符下载了keras(我已经成功下载了其他软件包).它确实有效,因为我能够在Jupyter Notebook中导入keras.但是,现在打开Anaconda Prompt时出现以下问题:

So I recently downloaded keras through the anaconda prompt (I've downloaded other packages successfully). It actually worked, as I was able to import keras in Jupyter Notebook. However, now I get the following issue when I open the Anaconda Prompt:

C:\Users\[User Name]>python C:\Users\[User Name]\Anaconda3\etc\keras\load_config.py  1>temp.txt
python: can't open file 'C:\Users\[User]': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

C:\Users\[User Name]>set /p KERAS_BACKEND= 0<temp.txt

C:\Users\[User Name]>del temp.txt

C:\Users\[User Name]>python -c "import keras"  1>nul 2>&1


  • 起初,我根本无法在窗口中键入或输入任何内容.
  • 关闭并重新打开它后,会打开相同的消息,但是后面出现一堆我看不懂的文本,因为此后窗口会立即关闭.
  • 在提供的错误消息中,第三行包含[User]而不是user.那是因为我的用户在我的计算机上的文件夹名称是FirstName LastName.我想知道这可能是一个空间.
  • 我不想卸载anaconda,因为我要在几天内完成一个项目,并且不希望出现任何安装/丢失数据的问题.


So, is my folder name having a space the root of the issue? If it is, how do I change it without messing up my computer? If it isn't, do you guys have any ideas of what is the solution to this? Thank you so much, I have two projects due in just a few days :(



After a few days of searching, I found an alternative solution.

  1. 打开Anaconda Navigator

  1. Open Anaconda Navigator


Click on Environments tab ( as shown in the picture)

单击base(root)(三角形图标),然后单击Open Terminal

Click base(root) (triangle icon) and then click on Open Terminal

使用此解决方案,您将可以打开Anaconda Prompt窗口,并使用Anaconda Prompt做任何您想做的事情.

By using this solution, you'll be able to open Anaconda Prompt window and do whatever you want with Anaconda Prompt.


09-26 18:28