

之前我使用过 UIScrollView ,现在正在使用它,从来没有遇到过问题。我现在将它添加到一个旧的应用程序,虽然它按预期工作(我可以看看内容,用我的手指滚动,所有的边界和大小设置正确,所以内容中没有空白的空间,等等。),我只是无法获得 scrollToRectVisible 才能工作。我甚至简化了调用,只是它移动到0,0位置:

I have used UIScrollView before, and am using it now, and never had a problem. I'm now adding it to an old app, and while it works as expected (I can look at the contents, scroll around with my finger, all the bounds and sizes are setup right so there is no empty space in the content, etc.), I just can't get scrollToRectVisible to work. I have even simplified the call so that it merely moves to the 0,0 position:

 [scrollView scrollRectToVisible:CGRectMake(0, 0, 10, 10) animated:YES];


or move it to 0,200:

 [scrollView scrollRectToVisible:CGRectMake(0, 200, 10, 10) animated:YES];

我甚至做了一个快速的应用来测试这个,我可以得到 scrollRectToVisible 按照我的预期在那里工作。但在我的旧应用程序中,我似乎无法做任何事情。

I even made a quick app to test this and I can get scrollRectToVisible to work there as I expect. But in my old app, I can't seem to make it do anything.

我可以使用 setContentOffset创建scrollView滚动:,但这不是我想要的。

I can make the scrollView scroll with setContentOffset:, but that's not what I want.


This scrollView and its contents are defined in the nib by IB and used with an IBOutlet. The only code I am using in my app to handle the scrollView is

 [scrollView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(scrollView.contentSize.width, imageView.frame.size.height)];


(I'm only interested in vertical scrolling not horizontal).


Has anyone run into a problem like this?


I have compared the scrollView attributes in both apps and they are identical.


我的scrollViews框架是:0.000000 0.000000 480.000000 179.000000

My scrollViews frame is: 0.000000 0.000000 480.000000 179.000000

我的scrollViews contentSize是:0.000000 324.000000

My scrollViews contentSize is: 0.000000 324.000000


It still acts like the rect I want to scroll to is already visible and no scrolling is needed. Not sure if that is what is happening. This is just the darnest thing. Seems like such an easy thing to resolve...



这就是我的样子没有 scrollRectToVisible

CGPoint point = myRect.origin;
if (![clefScrollView pointInside:point withEvent:nil]) {
    point.x = 0;
    if (point.y > clefScrollView.contentSize.height - clefScrollView.bounds.size.height)
        point.y = clefScrollView.contentSize.height - clefScrollView.bounds.size.height;
    [clefScrollView setContentOffset:point animated: YES];

此scrollView的其他所有内容均按预期工作,但 scrollRectToVisible 。为什么?!?任何疯狂的猜测?

Everything else about this scrollView works as expected, but scrollRectToVisible. WHY?!? Any wild guesses?



Over a month later, and I finally figured it out. While the alternative above worked well, it has been bugging me and I had to finally figure it out. Turns out that it was somewhat of a stupid mistake.


Here's the old code in my viewDidLoad, where I set up the scrollView:

[clefScrollView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(clefScrollView.contentSize.width, clefView.frame.size.height)];


The value of a scrollView height or width can't be 0! I think this got past me because I was assuming that ScrollView sizes start out with a valid size, and I was missing the fact that one dimension was zero!


[clefScrollView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(clefView.frame.size.width, clefView.frame.size.height)];


Hope this helps someone out there. I definitely spent way too much time trying to debug this.


09-17 20:25