


I am new to the concept of ZXing,so i want to know the step by step process to use the ZXing in android and i am using elicpse as IDE.Any one knows about it please help me.



As advised by the moderator, I am posting what did to import zxing into my android app, on this post. Seems like many people refer to this post to get an answer for zxing.


The zxing guys have made it easier to create a android project with 1.7. Its not as painful as it used to be. This is a quick blog for anyone who would like to create a zxing project for android quickly.

  • 从zxing.org结帐zxing源
  • 在您的Eclipse创建一个Android项目
  • 删除的main.xml
  • 右键点击src目录和命中进口。浏览到上述顺序以下目录。当您添加他们导入一个接一个,确保您有src目录的编辑现场导入向导。而只选择了COM在左侧目录树中的目录。不要选择SRC。
    • 核心
    • Android的整合
    • 机器人
    • 请确保您的Andr​​oid SDK版本是9,什么小和AndroidManifest.xml中都会哭。
    • strings.xml中的语言之一将婴儿床,只放了/在字符前
    • Checkout the zxing sources from zxing.org
    • Create a Android project on your eclipse
    • Delete main.xml
    • Right click on "src" directory and hit import. Browse to the following directories in the order mentioned. As you add them forimport one by one, ensure that you have the src directory in the editfield of the import wizard. And that you select only the "com"directory on the left directory tree. Do not select src.
      • core
      • android-integration
      • android
      • Ensure that your android sdk version is 9, anything lesser and androidmanifest.xml will cry.
      • Strings.xml in one of the languages will crib, just put a / before the ‘ character


      • 在我有一个机器人的Hello World集成zxing 1.7 http://www.4shared.com/file/bFx8Y5Ys/zXingJune2010.html
      • 有有趣的方向整合zxing另一个博客<一href="http://damianflannery.word$p$pss.com/2011/06/13/integrate-zxing-bar$c$c-scanner-into-your-android-app-natively-using-eclipse/">http://damianflannery.word$p$pss.com/2011/06/13/integrate-zxing-bar$c$c-scanner-into-your-android-app-natively-using-eclipse/
      • I have a android hello world integrated with zxing 1.7 http://www.4shared.com/file/bFx8Y5Ys/zXingJune2010.html
      • Another blog that has interesting direction for integrating zxinghttp://damianflannery.wordpress.com/2011/06/13/integrate-zxing-barcode-scanner-into-your-android-app-natively-using-eclipse/


10-21 09:30