

我在Mac OS 10.5上使用ipython和python 2.5.1(我实际上想使用ipython for 2.6.1,但它似乎不可用?)

I am using ipython on Mac OS 10.5 with python 2.5.1 (I would actually like to use ipython for 2.6.1, but it doesn't seem to be available?)

我通过easy_install安装了ipython。它工作但缺少gnu readline(用ctrl-R等搜索命令行历史记录所需)。

I installed ipython via easy_install. It works but is missing gnu readline (needed for nice searching of command line history with ctrl-R, etc.)


I found a blog post and other sources saying this could be fixed by

sudo easy_install -f http://ipython.scipy.org/dist/ readline

然而,这导致 readline.c 中的构建错误,特别是未声明的函数,如 rl_compentry_func_t rl_catch_signals

However, this leads to build errors in readline.c , particularly undeclared functions like rl_compentry_func_t and rl_catch_signals.


Has anyone seen these errors? Is there another way to get ipython installed with readline?



You can install everything you need with essentially one command using MacPorts. First download and install MacPorts from http://www.macports.org/.

1)sudo port -v selfupdate

2)sudo port -v install py26 -ipython

Then just do the following in the terminal:1) sudo port -v selfupdate
2) sudo port -v install py26-ipython

这将为您安装python2.6,ipython for python 2.6和readline。启动ipython的命令位于/opt/local/bin/ipython2.6

That will install python2.6, ipython for python 2.6 and readline for you. The command to start ipython will be located at /opt/local/bin/ipython2.6


10-19 06:00