本文介绍了带有Amazon S3服务的MAC OS上的C#应用​​程序的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我正在使用Amazon S3服务进行一个项目,在那个项目中我正在使用该服务进行文件上传和下载.在exe工作的Windows应用程序中(上传和下载都很好). ,然后我构建并运行该项目,它工作正常,我使用了该exe,当我从终端以(apple-pc:〜User $ mono myapp.exe)运行该exe文件时,则工作正常,但是当我转换时将该可执行文件(.exe)转换为应用程序(.app)文件,则它可以工作,但没有上载和下载功能.


Hi to All,

i am doing one project with amazon s3 service,in that project i am doing file uploading and downloading using that service.In windows application that exe is working (uploading and downloading is fine).the same project i copied in mono Development on MAC OS, then i build and run this project it is working fine and i took that exe, when i run this exe file from terminal as(apple-pc:~User$ mono myapp.exe), then it is working fine but when i convert this executable(.exe) file to application(.app) file then it is working, but not happening upload and download functionality.

if any body knows solution, please let me know.


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11-02 06:05