本文介绍了基于Azure Service Fabric的服务:前提条件始终是准备好的群集吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如果我正确理解了文档,则不能在一个打包的安装程序"步骤中将基于Azure Service Fabric的应用程序/微服务及其服务结构操作环境一起安装.例如,如果我想在运行典型Windows Server 2012或VMWare IT中心的公司的内部部署一组微服务,那我不走运吗?我必须要求该公司首先承诺(并执行)在多台计算机上安装azure应用服务结构.

If I've understood the docs properly, azure service fabric-based apps/microservices cannot be installed together with their service-fabric operational environment in one "packaged installer" step. For example, if I want to deploy a set of microservices on premises at a company that is running a typical windows server 2012 or VMWare IT center, then I'm out of luck? I'd have to require the company to first commit to (and execute) an installation of an azure app service fabric on several machines.

如果是这种情况,则Azure Service Fabric只是纯云操作的一种选择,在纯云操作中,服务提供商可以按需创建Service Fabric群集,或者已经承诺使用Azure Service Fabric的公司可以创建Azure Service Fabric.这意味着传统的基于安装程序"软件的提供者无法发展到天衣无缝的服务结构优势,因为潜在客户的数据中心策略是未知的.

If this is the case, then the Azure Service Fabric is only an option for pure cloud operations where the service fabric cluster can be created on-demand by the provider or for companies that have already committed to azure service fabric. This means that a provider of classical "installer-based" software cannot evolve to the azure service fabric advantages since the datacenter policies of the potential customers is unknown.



,您始终必须具有一个群集才能运行Service Fabric应用程序和微服务.但是,它不再局限于纯云环境,从去年9月开始,适用于Windows Server的Azure Service Fabric本地版本已变为GA( https://azure.microsoft.com/zh-cn/blog/azure-service-fabric- for-windows-server-now-ga/),这使您可以在自己的计算机(无论物理还是虚拟,无关紧要)或另一个数据中心(甚至是另一个云提供商)上运行自己的集群).

Yes, you always have to have a cluster to run Service Fabric Applications and Microservices. It is however not any more limited to a pure cloud environment, as of September last year the on-premise version of Azure Service Fabric for Windows Server went GA (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/azure-service-fabric-for-windows-server-now-ga/) and that lets you run your own cluster on your own machines (whether physical or virtual, doesn't matter) or in another data center (or even at another cloud provider).

当然,正如您所说,这需要您的客户公司拥有自己的集群或为他们建立集群( https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-CN/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-用于Windows服务器的cluster-creation ).随着时间的推移,他们还将需要具备管理该集群的能力.可以争论的是,这比管理VMWare场或设置和管理Docker容器主机要困难得多.

Of course, as you say, this requires your customer company to either have their own cluster or that you set one up for them (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-cluster-creation-for-windows-server). They will also need to have the competence to manage that cluster over time. It could be argued though that this shouldn't be much more difficult than managing a VMWare farm or setting up and managing say a Docker container host(s).


For the traditional 'shrink-wrapped-DVD-installer-type' of software vendor this might not be as easy as just supplying an .exe and some system requirements, i agree with you on that. If the customer can't or don't wan't to run their own cluster and cloud is not an option then it definitely adds additional complexity to selling and delivering your solution.

可以在任何Windows Server环境上运行自己的群集的事实意味着没有真正锁定Azure作为云平台的功能,我认为这对SF来说是一个很大的优势作为框架.一旦有了一个集群来接收您的应用程序,您就可以专注于开发它了,这对于大多数其他基于云的PaaS框架/服务而言是无法做到的.

The fact that you can run your own cluster on any Windows Server environment means that there is no real lock-in to Azure as a cloud platform, I think that this is a big pro for SF as a framework. Once you have a cluster to receive your applications then you can focus on developing that, this cannot be said of most other cloud-based PaaS frameworks/services.

这篇关于基于Azure Service Fabric的服务:前提条件始终是准备好的群集吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-22 21:50