

窗口 - UIView - UIImageView
UIImageView加载的图像大于屏幕尺寸(即1280 x 2000对768 x 1004)。我需要放大图像的任意矩形部分(将其放在屏幕上),然后将其置于屏幕中心。目前我按照以下方式放大:

There is simple iPad application. Views hierarchy is:Window - UIView - UIImageViewUIImageView has loaded image which is bigger then screen size (i.e. 1280 x 2000 against 768 x 1004). I need to zoom in arbitrary rectangular part of image (fit it on the screen) and then center it on the screen. At the moment I do zooming in following way:

    // rectangle size and origin in image's coordinates. Its received from out of application
    CGFloat x = 550.f;
    CGFloat y = 1006.f;
    CGFloat w = 719.f;
    CGFloat h = 850.f;

    CGSize frameSize = CGSizeMake(_imgView.image.size.width, _imgView.image.size.height);
    _imgView.frame = CGRectMakeWithParts(CGPointMake(0, 0), frameSize);

    // Calculate center manually because orientation changing
    CGPoint superCenter = CGPointMake(self.view.bounds.size.width/2, self.view.bounds.size.height/2);

    // delta is the factor between size of image size and device screen
    CGFloat delta = 768.f/w;

    // resizing UIImageView to fit rectangle on the screen
    frameSize = CGSizeMake(_imgView.image.size.width * delta, _imgView.image.size.height * delta);
    _imgView.frame = CGRectMakeWithParts(CGPointMake(0, 0), frameSize);

    // Here is I'm trying to calculate center of rectangle
    _imgView.center = CGPointMake(superCenter.x + (superCenter.x - (w/2)*delta - x * delta), superCenter.y + (superCenter.y - (h/2)*delta - y * delta));


UIImageView's ContentMode parameter is AspectFit. I believe that to move one point (UIImageView's center) to another one (in order to move rectangle to the center of the superView) I shall use following formula:

newX = oldX + oldX - rectCenterX;

newY = oldY + oldY - rectCenterY;

由于UIImageView是使用 delta 因子缩放的,因此 rectCenterX rectCenterY 应乘以相同的 delta 的。但我错了。矩形中心从superView中心跳出。

Since UIImageView is scaled with delta factor, rectCenterX and rectCenterY should be multiplied with same delta. But I'm wrong. Rectangles centers jump out from superView center.


Is there exists some way to make these calculations correctly? What do I miss?




I've managed correct and stable image centering. Instead of calculating center of image I'm calculating UIImageView's frame's origin coordinates like this:

CGPoint newOrigin = CGPointMake((-zoomRect.origin.x * delta) + superCenter.x - (zoomRect.size.width / 2) * delta, 
                                (-zoomRect.origin.y * delta) + superCenter.y - (zoomRect.size.height / 2) * delta);


It turns out there is some difference between calculating center and origin. Anyway problem is solved. Thanks everybody.


11-01 00:37