

说我有,相同类型的每个包含对象(例如,名单,LT集合任意数量; INT>富列表< INT>酒吧)。如果这些藏品是他们自己的集合(例如,键入列表与LT的;列表< INT>> ,我可以使用的SelectMany 将它们全部组合成一个集合。

Say I have an arbitrary number of collections, each containing objects of the same type (for example, List<int> foo and List<int> bar). If these collections were themselves in a collection (e.g., of type List<List<int>>, I could use SelectMany to combine them all into one collection.

不过,如果这些集合尚未同一个集合中,这是我不得不写这样的方法我的IM pression:

However, if these collections are not already in the same collection, it's my impression that I'd have to write a method like this:

public static IEnumerable<T> Combine<T>(params ICollection<T>[] toCombine)
   return toCombine.SelectMany(x => x);


Which I'd then call like this:

var combined = Combine(foo, bar);


Is there a clean, elegant way to combine (any number of) collections without having to write a utility method like Combine above? It seems simple enough that there should be a way to do it in LINQ, but perhaps not.



I think you might be looking for LINQ's .Concat()?

var combined = foo.Concat(bar).Concat(foobar).Concat(...);

另外, .Union()将删除重复的元素。


10-15 04:40