本文介绍了如何将Logstash输出验证到安全的Elasticsearch URL(版本5.6.5)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用Logstash和Elasticsearch版本5.6.5。到目前为止,使用了带有HTTP协议的elasticsearch输出,没有认证。现在,Elasticsearch使用基本身份验证(用户/密码)和CA认证的HTTPS URL进行保护。我对elasticsearch服务器没有任何控制权。我只是用它从Logstash输出。

I am using Logstash and Elasticsearch versions 5.6.5. So far used elasticsearch output with HTTP protocol and no authentication. Now Elasticsearch is being secured using basic authentication (user/password) and CA certified HTTPS URL. I don't have any control over the elasticsearch server. I just use it to output to from Logstash.

现在,当我尝试使用基本身份验证配置elasticsearch的HTTPS URL时,它无法创建管道。

Now when I try to configure the HTTPS URL of elasticsearch with basic authentication, it fails to create the pipeline.


output { 
 elasticsearch {
   hosts => ["https://myeslasticsearch.server.io"]
   user => "esusername"
   password => "espassword"
   ssl => true


 1. Error registering plugin {:plugin=>"#<LogStash::OutputDelegator:0x50aa9200
 2. Pipeline aborted due to error {:exception=>#<URI::InvalidComponentError: bad component(expected user component):

我注意到有一个名为 cacert 的字段需要一些PEM文件。但我不知道该放什么因为Elasticsearch服务器使用CA认证的SSL而不是自签名的SSL。

How to fix this?I notice that there is a field called cacert which requires some PEM file. But I am not sure what to put there since the Elasticsearch server is using a CA certified SSL not a self-signed one.


Addtional question: I don't have any xpack installed. Is 'xpack' required to be purchased for HTTPS output to Elasticsearch from Logstash?



I found the root cause of the issue. There were three things to fix:

  1. 我测试的logstash版本是错误的5.5.0。我下载了正确的版本以匹配Elas ticsearch版本5.6.5。

  1. The logstash version I tested with was wrong 5.5.0. I downloaded the correct version to match with Elasticsearch Version 5.6.5.


The host I used was running on 443 port. When I didn't specify the port as below logstash appended 9200 with it, due to which the connection failed.

hosts => ['https://my.es.server.com']


Below configuration corrected the port used by logstash.

hosts => ['https://my.es.server.com:443']


proxy => 'http://my.proxy.com:80'


output {
    elasticsearch {
       hosts => ['https://my.es.server.com:443']
       user => 'esusername'
       password => 'espassword'
       proxy => 'http://my.proxy:80'
       index => "my-index-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"


No need for 'ssl' field.


这篇关于如何将Logstash输出验证到安全的Elasticsearch URL(版本5.6.5)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-24 01:41