


As I'm doing a research on commonalities/differences of various mobile platforms, one of the aspects under investigation is memory management. As such, I'm interested in more detailed technical information on the various mechanisms.


From Android 5.0 (Lollipop) and on, Dalvik was replaced with the Android Runtime (ART).

谷歌有以下要说的变化,Dalvik的垃圾收集器ART :

Google has the following to say about the changes in the garbage collector from Dalvik to ART :

垃圾回收(GC)可以影响一个应用程序的性能,从而在  波涛汹涌显示,可怜的UI响应,和其他问题。艺术  提高垃圾收集在几个方面:

  • 在一个GC暂停,而不是两个
  • 剩余的GC暂停期间并行化处理
  • 集电极与较低的总的GC时间清理最新分配,短期对象的特殊情况下
  • 改进垃圾收集的人体工程学设计,使得并发垃圾收集更及时,这使得GC_FOR_ALLOC事件极  罕见的典型应用案例  压缩GC降低背景内存使用和碎片
  • One GC pause instead of two
  • Parallelized processing during the remaining GC pause
  • Collector with lower total GC time for the special case of cleaning up recently-allocated, short-lived objects
  • Improved garbage collection ergonomics, making concurrent garbage collections more timely, which makes GC_FOR_ALLOC events extremely rare in typical use cases Compacting GC to reduce background memory usage and fragmentation

