


i have a hashMap which i would like its data to be viewed in a JTable how ever i am having trouble getting the hashMap amount of columns and rows and the data to be displayed.i have a hashmap which takes a accountID as the key and a object of students in which each students have their data like name,id, age, etc.however referring to the JTable docs, it says i would need ints for the row and column and a multidimension array of type Object. how can i do it? can i change my hashMap into a multidimenion array?

- 编辑我已经编辑了我的问题所以它可以更清楚,我相当新的Java我不是真的得到你们有些人发布的内容,特别是因为我正在做的工作与OO有很大关系,掌握OO概念是我最大的挑战,

--Edit i have edited my question so it could be more clear , i am fairly new to Java i do not really get what some of you have posted, especially since the work i am doing is quite related to OO and grasping OO concepts is my biggest challenge,

/ 我有一个dataStorage类,注册用户被添加到HashMap,其用户名的Key输入是getUser。 /

/I have a dataStorage class, the registered user is added to the HashMap with a Key input of his Username, which is getUser ./

import java.util.*;

public class DataStorage 
    HashMap<String, Student> students = new HashMap<String, Student>();  
    HashMap<String, Staff> staffMembers = new HashMap<String, Staff>();  
    //Default constructor
    public DataStorage(){

    public void addStaffMember(Staff aAcc) 

    public void addStudentMember(Student aAcc)

   public Staff getStaffMember(String user)
   return   staffMembers.get(user);

   public Student getStudent(String user)
    return students.get(user);

   public int getStudentRows()
        return students.size();


/ ** **这是一个扩展帐户的学生班级*** /

/**** This is a student class which extends Account***/

public class Student extends Account {

    private String studentNRIC;
    private String diploma;
    private String gender;
    private double level;
    private int credits;
    private int age;
    private boolean partTime;
    private boolean havePc;
    private boolean haveChild;

    public Student(String n, String nr, String id, String dep, String user, String pass)
        super(n, dep, user, pass, id);
        studentNRIC = nr;

    public void setPartTime(boolean state)
        if(state == true)
            partTime = true;
            partTime = false;

    public boolean getPartTime()
        return partTime;

    public void setHavePc(boolean state)
        if(state == true)
            havePc = true;
            havePc = false;

    public boolean getHavePc()
        return havePc;

    public void setHaveChild(boolean state)
        if(state == true)
            haveChild = true;
            haveChild = false;

    public boolean getHaveChild()
        return haveChild;
    public void setDiploma(String dip)
        diploma = dip;

    public String getDiploma()
        return diploma;

    public void setCredits(String cre)
        credits = Integer.parseInt(cre);

    public int getCredits()
        return credits;

    public void setGender(String g)
        gender = g;

    public String getGender()
        return gender;

    public void setAge(String a)
        age = Integer.parseInt(a);

    public int getAge()
        return age;
    public void setLevel(String lvl)
        level = Double.parseDouble(lvl);

    public double getLevel()
        return level;
    public void setStudentNRIC(String nr)
        studentNRIC = nr;

    public String getStudentNRIC()
        return studentNRIC;


/ ****这是a账户超类*** /

/**** This is a the Account superclass***/

public class Account {

    private String name;
    private String department;
    private String username;
    private String password;
    private String accountID;
    public Account()
    public Account(String nm,String dep,String user,String pass, String accID) 
        name = nm;
        department = dep;
        username = user;
        password = pass;
        accountID = accID;


    public void setName(String nm)
        name = nm;

    public String getName()
        return name;

    public void setDep(String d)
        department = d;

    public String getDep()
        return department;

    public void setUser(String u)
        username = u;
    public String getUser()
        return username;

    public void setPass(String p)
        password = p;

    public String getPass()
        return password;

    public void setAccID(String a)
        accountID = a;

    public String getAccID()
        return accountID;


您有几种选择给您。我可能会构建我自己的 TableModel 并将 HashMap 转换为List,但这需要 accountID 是学生的一部分,我无法判断它是否来自您的帖子。因此创建多维数组可能更容易。为此,您需要检查 HashMap 中的每个对象,为此我们将使用'循环'。

You have several options available to you here. I would probably build my own TableModel and convert the HashMap into a List, but that would require that accountID was part of Student and I cannot tell if it is from your post. So probably easier to create a multi dimensional array. To do this you need to examine every object in your HashMap and to do this we would use a 'loop'.


First create the array to hold your data:

Object[][] tableData = new Object[students.keySet().size()][numberOfColumns];


Replace numberOfColumns with the number of columns your table has.

int index = 0;
for (String key : students.keySet())
    Student student = students.get(key);
    tableData[index][0] = student.getXXX
    tableData[index][1] = student.getYYY
    tableData[index][2] = student.getZZZ
    // and so forth


So what we do here is create a loop that will examine every key in the students HashMap and with that key we retrieve the Student object and populate the array with the correct data.


This is to answer your question, but I would recommend that you take a look at the TableModel interface and build one around your HashMap of Students. More manly :)


10-20 09:37