

我经常将 YYYY-MM-DD 标准化为日期格式,以便在地理位置分散的项目团队中进行沟通,以消除本地日期格式可能引起的任何歧义。

I've often standardized on YYYY-MM-DD as the date format for communicating within a geographically distributed project teams to dispel any ambiguity that might arise from local date formats.

我是否有可能遇到习惯于将日期视为 YYYY-DD-MM 的人?是否有程序将其用作日期格式?

Is it likely that I might run into people who are used to seeing dates as YYYY-DD-MM? Are there programs that use this as a date format?


请参见 -它按日期/时间格式列出了国家/地区。

See "Calendar date" on Wikipedia on the topic - it lists the countries by date/time format.

乍一看,似乎没有人经常使用 YYYY-DD-MM

At first glance it doesn't look like anyone is using YYYY-DD-MM regularly.


10-30 15:45