本文介绍了从HTTP URL中的Andr​​oid播放SDP文件(RTSP流)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a rtsp stream on my rtsp server in localhost.I would to play this file with the android class MediaPlayer.


If I do setDataSource(rtsp://localhost/file.sdp) it works!!


My problem is... if I copy the file on my http server and I do


这是行不通的!我收到一个I / O异常。

it does not work!! I receive an I/O exception.

filePath = "http://localhost/file.sdp";


If I play this file with vlc application it works.



RTSP "Real Time Streaming Protocol" is for streaming media server. You can watch live video broadcasting from remote server on your computer/mobile device through RTSP protocol. This protocol only handle playback of media files. Below are some features of RTSP:

  1. 这适用于TCP连接

  2. RTSP请求都发出同样的TCP连接上

  3. 该协议有非常少的端至​​端延迟

  4. 这也被称为真流

  5. 没有文件被下载到用户的系统

  6. 播放电影的实时

  7. 可以做现场直播

  8. 用户计算机上的某些防火墙会阻止该协议


HTTP "Hypertext Transfer Protocol" is for transferring files (text, graphic images, sound, video, and other multimedia files) on the World Wide Web. HTTP protocol communicate between Web pages (Contain text, graphic images, sound, video and other multimedia) hosted on remote server and the user's browsers on their system. We can watch streaming video through HTTP protocol. Below are some features of HTTP:

  1. 这适用于TCP连接

  2. HTTP通常会发送一个单独的TCP
  3. 每个请求
  4. 相比,RTSP该协议有高端到终端的时延

  5. 即成从标准的Web服务器内容

  6. 从Web服务器这种支持渐进式下载

  7. 文件下载到用户的系统,但可以开始播放前完全下载

  8. 这适用于所有的防火墙,因为它使用标准的HTTP协议

SDP会话描述协议包含了一系列其中的相互作用以及一组通信终点。 SDP包含有关流媒体信息。它主要包含三部分有关媒体 - 会话描述,时间的描述和媒体的描述。 SDP不是本身就是一种文件类型,但它是一个协议,负责流媒体。 HTTP和RTSP都支持SDP。

SDP "Session Description Protocol" consists of a set of communications end points along with a series of interactions among them. SDP contains information about streaming media. It contains mainly three parts about media - Session description, Time description and Media description. SDP not itself is a file type but it is a protocol and responsible for steaming media. HTTP and RTSP both support SDP.

这篇关于从HTTP URL中的Andr​​oid播放SDP文件(RTSP流)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-18 22:57