本文介绍了带有单个系列的ggplot上的direct.label错误将被标记的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 我正在试图解决我在尝试使用 direct.label 标记仅有一个系列的ggplot时遇到的错误。下面举例说明如果只有一个系列, direct.label 失败。 在我的真实数据中,我正在循环区域并希望在子区域上使用直接标签。但是,在我的情况下, 某些 的区域只有一个子区域,导致在使用 direct.label 。任何援助将不胜感激 图书馆(ggplot2)图书馆(直接标签)# (df){ nums data.frame(rating = round(df $ rating [1]),year = as.numeric(names(nums)),number = as.vector(nums))}) ) #使用直接标签根据等级p direct.label(p,last.bumpup) #仅用于单个评分 mry2 = subset(mry,rating == 10) p2 p2 #直接标签在试图用单个系列标注情节时失败 direct.label(p2,last.bumpup) 解决方案这确实是一个错误;包维护者已经修复了它。要获取更新的版本, install.packages(directlabels,repos =http://r-forge.r -project.org) 我刚刚查过,现在一切正常。很好的接收! I am looking to resolve an error that I encounter when trying to use direct.label to label a ggplot with only one series. Below is a example to illustrate how direct.label fails if there is only a single series. In my real data, I am looping through regions and wanting to use direct labels on the sub-regions. However, in my case some of the regions only have one sub-region resulting in an error when using direct.label. Any assistance would be greatly appreciatedlibrary(ggplot2)library(directlabels)# sample data from ggplot2 movies datamry <- do.call(rbind, by(movies, round(movies$rating), function(df) { nums <- tapply(df$length, df$year, length) data.frame(rating=round(df$rating[1]), year = as.numeric(names(nums)), number=as.vector(nums))}))# use direct labels to label based on ratingp <- ggplot(mry, aes(x=year, y=number, group=rating, color=rating)) + geom_line()direct.label(p, "last.bumpup")# subset to only a single ratingmry2 = subset(mry, rating==10)p2 <- ggplot(mry2, aes(x=year, y=number, group=rating, color=rating)) + geom_line()p2# direct labels fails when attempting to label plot with a single seriesdirect.label(p2, "last.bumpup") 解决方案 This indeed was a bug; the package maintainer has already fixed it. To obtain an updated version, install.packages("directlabels", repos="http://r-forge.r-project.org")I've just checked, everything now runs fine. Nice catch! 这篇关于带有单个系列的ggplot上的direct.label错误将被标记的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-30 04:01