本文介绍了没有Fabric API密钥,Firebase Crashlytics无法正常工作的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个Android应用程序,其中安装了Fabric Crashytics。我按照官方指南设置了Firebase Crashlytics,并关联了Fabric和Firebase帐户(AFAIK Firebase最近收购了Fabric)。
因此,我特别删除了带有< meta-data /> 标签的 Fabric API密钥。 manifest.xml

I got an android app where Fabric Crashytics is installed. I've followed the official guide to setup Firebase Crashlytics and linked the Fabric and Firebase accounts (AFAIK Firebase acquired Fabric recently).So in particular I removed the Fabric API key with <meta-data/> tag in manifest.xml.

然后我尝试进行测试崩溃,但Firebase中没有出现Fabric仪表板,但是我在logcat中成功登录: Crashlytics报告上传完成:< ID>

Then I tried to make a test crash but it didn't appear neither in Firebase not Fabric dashboard, however I got a success log in logcat: Crashlytics report upload complete: <ID>.

当我嗅探网络时,似乎我从Crashlytics中获得了 403 Unathorized 。但是,当我在< meta-data /> 标记中添加 Fabric API密钥时,它起作用了,我看到了崩溃报告。

When I sniffed the network, it appeared that I'm getting 403 Unathorized from Crashlytics. However when I add the Fabric API key in <meta-data/> tag it works and I see the crash report.

请帮助我配置出现问题,为什么我需要使用旧的Fabric API密钥如果我使用的是新的Firebase Crashlytics,而文档未对此进行说明。

Help me please what is wrong with my configuration, why do I need to use old Fabric API key if I'm using new Firebase Crashlytics and docs don't state that.



For those on iOS that used Fabric, so this is what I finally got from support. I wanted to start fresh.

  • 访问。

    • 相应地修改Podfile中的Pod(按照说明指定Fabric和Crashlytics的版本)

    • 更新构建阶段运行脚本: $ {PODS_ROOT} / Fabric / run,而不是当前指向其Fabric API密钥的

    • Visit https://firebase.google.com/docs/crashlytics/get-started?authuser=1#ios.
      • Revise pods in Podfile accordingly (specify versions of Fabric and Crashlytics as instructed)
      • Update the build phase run script: "${PODS_ROOT}/Fabric/run" instead of the current one that points to their Fabric API key

      删除Info.plist中的API密钥-在您的AppDelegate.swift中,删除import Fabric并导入Crashlytics和任何Fabric.with语句,保留import Firebase并改用FirebaseApp.configure()

      Remove API key from Info.plist - In your AppDelegate.swift, remove import Fabric and import Crashlytics and any Fabric.with statement, keep import Firebase and use FirebaseApp.configure() instead

      转到Firebase控制台中的项目设置,单击集成选项卡,从Firebase取消链接适当的Fabric应用程序(如果不执行此操作,则会出现类似以下错误: [Fabric]无法下载设置Error Domain = FABNetworkError Code = -5)

      Go to project settings in Firebase console, click the Integrations tab, unlink the appropriate Fabric app from Firebase (if you don't do this, you will get an error looking like: "[Fabric] failed to download settings Error Domain=FABNetworkError Code=-5")


      Once I did this, and force crashed, it FINALLY showed up.

      这篇关于没有Fabric API密钥,Firebase Crashlytics无法正常工作的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-14 20:16