

我是否可以像在JUnit中那样检索当前正在运行的测试名称(使用 getName()规则)?

Can I retrieve currently running test name like in JUnit (using getName() or rules)?

public void fooBar(){
     System.out.println(magic()); //should print "fooBar"


P.S. I don't want use some self-written tool based on stack traces.


根据TestNG文档,网址为: http://testng.org/doc/documentation-main.html 您可以实现可能可以帮助您解决问题的侦听器.

According the to TestNG documentation at: http://testng.org/doc/documentation-main.htmlyou can implement listeners that might be able to help you with your problem.

请参阅第5.16节"TestNG侦听器",尤其是IInvokedMethodListener(javadoc: http://testng.org/javadocs/org/testng/IInvokedMethodListener.html ).您可以连接到beforeInvocation来获取方法名称,将其保留在某个地方,然后在测试中使用它.当然,您可以在侦听器实现中立即使用这些详细信息.

Look at section 5.16 TestNG Listeners, and in particular the IInvokedMethodListener (javadoc: http://testng.org/javadocs/org/testng/IInvokedMethodListener.html). You can hook into the beforeInvocation to grab the method name, hold onto it somewhere, and then use it in your test. You could of course, just use the the details immediately in your listener implementation.


09-25 10:00