


I am working on a project where we need to decide how we are going to expose our persistence layer.


1)使用普通DAO。这些将实现一个接口,并被注入(可能使用Weld)在作为EJB的业务组件中。在内部,他们将使用JPA / Hibernate进行持久化。

1) Use plain DAOs. These would implement an interface and be injected (probably using Weld) in the Business Components which are EJBs. Internally they would use JPA/Hibernate for persistence.


2) Rather than injecting the DAOs using Weld, they would be implemented as EJBs, and injected with @EJB in the Business Components.


Does it really make sense to use EJBs for the persistence layer when we are not using its capabilities (e.g. transaction management - business layer deals with this)?


Is there any performance penalty in using EJB over Weld (or the other way round)?




Using EJBs for a JPA based DAO is a perfectly natural fit.


If the transaction normally starts in your business layer (which are also EJBs as you mention) the transaction will naturally propagate to them. Should you ever want to use the DAO separately, then a transaction will be started for you. You may not use this feature now, but it comes totally free should you ever need it.


Also, should you ever need to a single operation in its own transaction, then this is trivial when your DAOs are EJB based.

用DAO EJB注入业务EJB可能具有潜在的性能优势。由于仅注入了代表池实例的存根,因此注入相对便宜。您可以为您的业务EJB注入许多DAO,这些DAO可能对于每个调用都必需,也可以不是全部。我不是100%确信CDI具有完全相同的功能。它当然具有作用域和对话,但实际上并没有存根委托给池。

Injecting your business EJBs with the DAO EJBs may have a potential performance advantage. As only stubs are injected that delegate to pooled instances, injection is relatively cheap. You can inject your business EJBs with many DAOs that may or may not all be necessary for every call. I'm not 100% sure CDI has this exact same capability. It of course has scoping and conversations but not really stubs to delegate to a pool.


Should you ever need JPA's extended persistence context, then the stateful session bean is practically made for that, otherwise the stateless session bean would be used for DAOs.


That said, CDI is the more modern component model and the current thinking seems to be that EJB will eventually be retrofitted as a set of CDI annotations. Starting to build up a CDI codebase and knowledge now may actually be a long term strategic benefit, and thus bodes for CDI.


So to answer your question more directly: yes it makes sense to use EJBs for the persistence layer, but neither EJB or CDI are absolutely a wrong choice here.


07-05 05:42