本文介绍了H264 NAL单位前缀的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我需要对H264 NAL单元分隔符前缀(00 00 00 0100 00 01)进行一些说明,我正在使用Intel Media SDK生成H264并将其打包到RTP中.问题是,到目前为止,我只寻找00 00 00 01作为单位分隔符,并且基本上只能在比特流中找到AUD,SPS,PPS和SEI单位.看着内存,我看到在SEI之后有一个字节序列00 00 01 25可能是IDR单元的开始,但是由于缺少零字节,我的搜索算法未检测到它.谁能澄清00 00 00 0100 00 01前缀之间的区别?查看铬代码,似乎第一个单元以及AUD,SPS,PPS和SEI还有一个额外的零:

I need some clarification on H264 NAL unit delimiter prefixes (00 00 00 01 and 00 00 01), I am using Intel Media SDK to generate a H264 and pack it into RTP. The issue is that so far I was looking only for 00 00 00 01 as a unit separator and basically was able to find only AUD,SPS,PPS and SEI units in the bitstream. Looking at the memory I saw that after the SEI there was a byte sequence 00 00 01 25 that could be a start of an IDR unit, but my search algorithm did not detect it because of a missing zero byte. Can anyone clarify the difference between 00 00 00 01 and 00 00 01 prefixes? Looking at Chromium code it seems that first unit as well as AUD, SPS, PPS, and SEI have an extra zero:

if (first_nal_in_this_access_unit ||
    IsAccessUnitBoundaryNal(nal_unit_type)) {
    output_size += 1;  // Extra zero_byte for these nal units
    first_nal_in_this_access_unit = false;


static bool IsAccessUnitBoundaryNal(int nal_unit_type) {
    // Check if this packet marks access unit boundary by checking the
    // packet type.
    if (nal_unit_type == 6 ||  // Supplemental enhancement information
        nal_unit_type == 7 ||  // Picture parameter set
        nal_unit_type == 8 ||  // Sequence parameter set
        nal_unit_type == 9 ||  // Access unit delimiter
        (nal_unit_type >= 14 && nal_unit_type <= 18)) {  // Reserved types
            return true;
    return false;


1) I would assume I should look for both prefixes, but then I understand that I need to check the type of the next NAL unit in order to know the length of the current one (to know if the the prefix is 3 or 4 bytes and not consume a zero byte that could be an end of a previous NAL unit as the prefix).


2) Are PPS, SPS, and SEI sizes fixed? If so I could just jump to the end of the unit when looking for the next prefix.


I hope that someone who has had more experience with this can comment on the questions above.


来自 H .264规范,B.1.2字节流NAL单元语义:

From H.264 spec, B.1.2 Byte stream NAL unit semantics:


When any of the following conditions are fulfilled, the zero_byte syntax element shall be present.

  • nal_unit()中的nal_unit_type等于7(序列参数集)或8(图片参数集)
  • 字节流NAL单元语法结构按第7.节的规定,以解码顺序包含访问单元的第一个NAL单元.

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07-23 02:36