

我很挑剔,当谈到理解一个新的语言,最近我已经采取了学习C#。所以我想知道的是当我创建一个新的应用程序要去的一切 - 在这种情况下,一个新的Windows窗体应用程序。我创建了一个,并给出了一些生成的代码从Visual Studio和一行是 Application.EnableVisualStyles()

I'm very picky when it comes to understanding a new language, and recently I've taken up learning C#. So I like to know everything that is going on when I create a new Application - in this case a new Windows Forms Application. I created one and was given some generated code from Visual Studio and one line was Application.EnableVisualStyles().


I did some research on MSDN and found this article: Application.EnableVisualStyles(). I performed the example that they presented expecting the button not to be visible when I commented out the said line. Nothing happened! It appeared that nothing changed. I know this is a very basic example but shouldn't something have changed? If this is so critical in the Main() procedure what exactly is it doing that I'm missing?




Yes it does, but you need have certain settings turned on in your OS otherwise you won't be able to see what it is.


Here are some screenshots of that same application on my system:


// Application.EnableVisualStyles();

如果在其他应用程序的按钮看起来像第二个屏幕,那么你总会看到按键联合国为主题,无论是否使用 Application.EnableVisualStyles(),因为它们是由操作系统关闭 - 将它们放回方式取决于你的操作系统上,但通常涉及要在效果 >> 视觉效果对话框。

If buttons in other applications look like the second screenshot then you will always see buttons un-themed regardless of whether you use Application.EnableVisualStyles(), because they are turned off by the OS - the way to turn them back on depends on your OS but usually involves going to the Performance >> Visual Effects dialog.


10-30 06:58