

我希望为Windows Phone 7创建一个翻译应用程序.我不确定该怎么做.这里的问题.

I wish to create a translation app for Windows Phone 7. I am not sure how to go about it. Here the questions.


I like to know when I input text into a TextBox for translation, how do I do it?


1) Say, my Windows phone is Chinese. How do I change it to other languages like France, German, Russian and other? I want to type in German to learn.


Example : Type in German and translate to Japanese? How to set my phone for German input ?


2) Is language input thru Keyboard defined by the region?


Say, if user buy the phone in Europe, the keyboard for input like German,France and other are already setup?

textBox inputScope ="Text"这将显示所有欧洲语言吗?

textBox inputScope ="Text" This will show all the european languages?

3)如何检测或找出Windows Phone键盘可以支持多少种输入语言.

3) How To detect or find out how many languages that the Windows Phone keyboard can support for input.




  1. 当前您无法在代码中执行此操作-系统设置不在指定的开发沙箱中.只要设备上存在键盘布局,用户就可以手动在它们之间切换.

  1. Currently you cannot do this in code - system settings are outside the designated development sandbox. The user will be able to switch between keyboard layouts manually as long as those are present on the device.

根据手机的销售地区,将为指定区域专门设置键盘布局.这样就可以了-文本 InputScope将对注册的语言有效.

Depending on the region where the phone is sold, the keyboard layouts are preset specifically for the designated zones. So that would be a yes - the Text InputScope will be active for registered languages.


Currently there is no way you can get a list of available keyboard layouts on your device.


08-21 16:24