本文介绍了转换IEnumerable< T>的最快方法列出< T>在C#中的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



In C#, what is the fastest way to create and fill a List using an IEnumberable in terms of time required to write the code for? What about in terms of time required to execute?


List<int> list = new List<int>();
foreach(int number in iterator)




When it comes to List<T> essentially you have 2 approaches, which I am trying to discuss below. For the sake of clarity lets assume, allocation of the List<T> takes constant time (C), adding an element to the List<T> also takes constant time.


Create empty List<T> and populate it

List<int> list = new List<int>(); // C
foreach(int i in iterator)
    list.Add(i); //n*C

如您所见,这种方法需要n * C + C的时间,所以如果您忽略C,则复杂度为O(n).

as you can see this approach takes n*C + C time, so if you neglect the C the complexity is O(n).


Create List<T> based on the other IEnumerable<T>

List<int> list = new List<int>(iterator);


however, there is a small difference regards the type of iterator:

  1. 如果迭代器为ICollection<T>

var array = new T [ICollection.Count]//CICollection.CopyTo(array)//通过MSDN O(n)

var array = new T[ICollection.Count] // CICollection.CopyTo(array) // by MSDN O(n)


if the iterator is IEnumerable<T>, the same as creating empty and add item by item


So, if you analyze the complexity you cannot avoid O(n) complexity.


List<T>的增长和容量有一个警告,可能会影响性能.默认的List<T>容量为4,如果您向List<T>添加4个以上的元素,则将分配新的基础数组,大小是当前大小的两倍,并且将复制这些元素.我们达到了List<T>的容量.您可以想象有多少不必要的复制.为了防止这种情况,最好的选择是预先使用容量初始化List<T>或使用List<T>(ICollection<T>) ctor.

There is one caveat with the List<T> growth and capacity which might impact performances. The default List<T> capacity is 4 and if you add more than 4 elements to the List<T> the new underlying array, twice of the current size, will be allocated and the elements will be copied...this process will repeat again when we reach the capacity of the List<T>. You can imagine how much unnecessary copying you might have. In order to prevent this, the best option is to initialize List<T> with capacity in advance or use the List<T>(ICollection<T>) ctor.

// benchmark example
var enumerable = Enumerable.Repeat(1, 1000000);
var collection = enumerable.ToList();

Stopwatch st = Stopwatch.StartNew();
List<int> copy1 = new List<int>(enumerable);

st = Stopwatch.StartNew();
List<int> copy2 = new List<int>(collection);

这篇关于转换IEnumerable&lt; T&gt;的最快方法列出&lt; T&gt;在C#中的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-22 09:55