


My goal is to create an architecture in which services should be able to deploy independent of each other and are completely autonomous, but what do you do when you have 2 services that reads from DB the same object type?


In my case I have a socket server (micro service 1) and a http server (micro service 2). Using the http server my users creates an asset called: A, this asset gets stored on a DB and a mongoID is returned. Then, using another protocol and the ID, there are calls to the socket server that needs to check that validity of that ID, thus, needs to read from DB. This two services will have to share the model of A in order to map it to an object, but this means the 2 services will have to share code, and that's not ok.

我需要其他服务吗?还是应该只让service1能够从数据库读取,然后让第二个与service 1对话?

Do I need another service? or should I make only service1 able to read from DB and then make the second one talks to service 1?



Two microservices should not share same data model. You can create a service which is solely responsible for managing data persistence, and can use it in other services.


09-06 04:08