


I'm trying to include a file only if it exists. This allows for custom "tasks/roles" between existing "tasks/roles" if needed by the user of my role. I found this:

- include: ...
  when: condition


But the Ansible docs state that:


- stat: path=/home/user/optional/file.yml
  register: optional_file
- include: /home/user/optional/file.yml
  when: optional_file.stat.exists


Will fail if the file being included doesn't exist. I guess there might be another mechanism for allowing a user to add tasks to an existing recipe. I can't let the user to add a role after mine, because they wouldn't have control of the order: their role will be executed after mine.


感谢您的帮助!我终于在今天的Ansible中尝试了所有答案和我自己的问题的代码后才提出自己的问题: ansible

Thanks all for your help! I'm aswering my own question after finally trying all responses and my own question's code back in today's Ansible: ansible

我的原始代码现在似乎可以正常工作,除了我要查找的可选文件位于本地计算机中之外,因此我必须通过 local_action 运行stat并为该特定任务设置become: no,因此ansible不会尝试在我的本地计算机上执行sudo并出现以下错误:"sudo:需要密码\ n"

My original code seems to work now, except the optional file I was looking was in my local machine, so I had to run stat through local_action and set become: no for that particular tasks, so ansible wouldn't attempt to do sudo in my local machine and error with: "sudo: a password is required\n"

- local_action: stat path=/home/user/optional/file.yml
  register: optional_file
  become: no
- include: /home/user/optional/file.yml
  when: optional_file.stat.exists


10-18 22:54