本文介绍了ansible mongodb_user,mongodb_replicaset 模块如何工作?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试通过 ansible 自动化 MongoDB 安装和复制设置.因此,作为其中的一部分,我想利用 ansible 模块 mongodb_user、mongodb_replicaset.使用此模块时,我遇到了一些问题.所以需要对此有所了解

I'm trying to automate MongoDB installation along with replication setup via ansible. So as part of that, I want to utilize ansible modules mongodb_user,mongodb_replicaset. When using this module I'm facing some issues. So need some light on this

问题 - 1:当我使用 mongodb_user 创建管理员用户时,出现以下错误

Issue - 1:when I create an admin user using mongodb_user I'm getting the below error

  - name: Create MongoDB root user admin
        login_port: "{{ mongod_port }}"
        database: "{{ mongodb_db_name }}"
        name: "{{ mongodb_admin_user }}"
        password: "{{ mongodb_admin_password }}"
        roles: "root"


 "msg": "Unable to add or update user: not master, full error: {'topologyVersion': {'processId': ObjectId('60c0f9ebe9bf9941528836df'), 'counter': 0}, 'ok': 0.0, 'errmsg': 'not master', 'code': 10107, 'codeName': 'NotWritablePrimary', '$gleStats': {'lastOpTime': Timestamp(0, 0), 'electionId': ObjectId('000000000000000000000000')}, 'lastCommittedOpTime': Timestamp(0, 0)}"

从错误中,我可以理解它只有在进行 MongoDB 初始化后才能工作

From the error, I can understand it will work only after do the MongoDB initialization


- name: Initiate the Replicaset
  command: "mongo --host --port {{mongod_port}} --eval 'printjson(rs.initiate())'"


After that I'm able to create user successfully


Now I'm trying to add replica set using below module but unfortunately, it is not added and not thrown any error.No changes happened

- name: Ensure replicaset Shard_0 exists
    login_host: localhost
    login_user: xxxxx
    login_password: yyyyy
    replica_set: configRS
    #members: "{{ groups['MongoC'] }}"
    members: "{{ groups['MongoC'] | map('extract', hostvars, ['ansible_host']) | join(':27017,') }}:27017"
  when: (groups['MongoC']|sort())[0] == inventory_hostname


ok: [MongoC-1] => {
    "changed": false,
    "invocation": {
        "module_args": {
            "arbiter_at_index": null,
            "auth_mechanism": null,
            "chaining_allowed": true,
            "connection_options": null,
            "election_timeout_millis": 10000,
            "heartbeat_timeout_secs": 10,
            "login_database": "admin",
            "login_host": "localhost",
            "login_password": "VALUE_SPECIFIED_IN_NO_LOG_PARAMETER",
            "login_port": 27017,
            "login_user": "xxxxx",
            "members": [
            "protocol_version": 1,
            "replica_set": "configRS",
            "ssl": false,
            "ssl_ca_certs": null,
            "ssl_cert_reqs": "CERT_REQUIRED",
            "ssl_certfile": null,
            "ssl_crlfile": null,
            "ssl_keyfile": null,
            "ssl_pem_passphrase": null,
            "validate": true
    "replica_set": "configRS"


Am I using the modules in the right way?

尝试使用 rs.initiate 而不是下面的 ansible 模块

Tried rs.initiate instead of ansible module like below



 _id: "configRS",
 configsvr: true,
 members: [
  { _id: 1, host : "" },
  { _id: 2, host : "" },
  { _id: 3, host : "" },


"mongo --port 27017 replicaset.js"


\t\"errmsg\" : \"not authorized on admin to execute command { replSetGetConfig: 1.0, lsid: { id: UUID(\\\"788e7cff-218c-4605-ab68-b3b6751634ca\\\") }, $db: \\\"admin\\\" }\",",
        "\t\"code\" : 13,",
        "\t\"codeName\" : \"Unauthorized\",",


代替 printjson(rs.initiate()) try

    _id: "configRS",
    configsvr: true,
    members: [
      { _id: 0, host: "" },
      { _id: 1, host: "" },
      { _id: 2, host: "" }
while (! db.isMaster().ismaster ) { sleep(1000) }


Then you don't need to add any member.


For CSRS I use a playbook like this:

- hosts: config
  - name: Compose variables
      rs_initiate: |      
        {% set members = [] %}
        {% for host in groups['config']  | sort %}
        {% set m = {'_id': loop.index0 } %}
        {% set _ = m.update({'host': host + '.' + ansible_domain + ':' + ports.config | string }) %}
        {% set _ = members.append(m) %}
        {% endfor %}
        {% set init = {'_id': replica_set.conf} %}
        {% set _ = init.update({'members': members}) %}
        {% set _ = init.update({'configsvr': true}) %}
        {{ init }}
      rs_members: |
        {% set members = [] %}
        {% for host in groups['config'] | sort %}
        {% set _ = members.append(host + '.' + ansible_domain + ':' + ports.config | string) %}
        {% endfor %}
        {{ members }}
      replicaSetURI: "mongodb://{{ groups['config'] | product([ports.config]) | map('join', ':') | join(',') }}/admin?authSource=admin&replicaSet={{ replica_set.conf }}" 

  - name: Check if Config Replicaset is initiated
      cmd: "/usr/bin/mongo --norc --quiet localhost:{{ ports.config }}"
      executable: /bin/bash
      stdin: "rs.status().codeName" 
    register: result
    changed_when: false
    check_mode: no
  - set_fact:
# Needed to ensure that the Config Server Replica Set (CSRS) is initiated only once
      rs: |
        {% set i = (result.stdout == 'NotYetInitialized') %}
        {% for host in ansible_play_hosts %}
        {% set i = i and (hostvars[host].result.stdout == 'NotYetInitialized') %}
        {% endfor %}
        {{ {'NotYetInitialized': i} }}
  - name: Initiate Config Replicaset
      cmd: "/usr/bin/mongo --norc --quiet localhost:{{ ports.config }}"
      executable: /bin/bash
      stdin: |
        var i = rs.initiate({{ rs_initiate | to_json }})
        if (i.ok != 1) print(i.errmsg)
        var _ = rs.status()
        while (! db.isMaster().ismaster ) sleep(1000)
        rs.status().members.map(x => x.name)
        if (i.ok == 1) {print(rs.status().ok)} else {print(0)}
    register: ret
    failed_when: ret.stdout_lines | last != "1"
    when: rs.NotYetInitialized and inventory_hostname_short == groups['config'] | sort | first)
  - debug:
      msg: "{{ ret.stdout_lines }}"
    when: not ansible_check_mode and rs.NotYetInitialized and inventory_hostname_short == (groups['config'] | sort | first) and ret.stdout != ''

为了将主机添加到现有的 CSRS,我使用了这个:

In order to add hosts to existing CSRS I use this one:

- hosts: config
  - meta: end_play
    when: ansible_check_mode or rs.NotYetInitialized | default(false)

  - name: Check current Config Server Replica Set members
      cmd: "/usr/bin/mongo -u admin -p {{ password.admin }} --authenticationDatabase admin --norc --quiet localhost:{{ ports.config }}"
      executable: /bin/bash
      stdin: "rs.status().members.map(x => x.name)"
    register: result
    changed_when: false
    when: inventory_hostname_short == (groups['config'] | sort | first)

  - set_fact:
      current_members: "{{ result.stdout | from_json }}"
    when: inventory_hostname_short == (groups['config'] | sort | first)

  - name: Add host to Config Server Replica Set
      cmd: "/usr/bin/mongo -u admin -p {{ password.admin }} --authenticationDatabase admin --norc --quiet localhost:{{ ports.config }}"
      executable: /bin/bash
      stdin: "rs.add('{{ item }}')"
    when: inventory_hostname_short == (groups['config'] | sort | first)
    loop: "{{ rs_members | difference(current_members) | sort }}"
    register: ret
    failed_when: ret.stdout != ""


Users I create with this playbook

- hosts: application

  - name: Check if authentication is enabled
      cmd: "/usr/bin/mongo -u admin -p {{ password.admin }} --authenticationDatabase admin --norc --quiet localhost:{{ ports.router }}"
      executable: /bin/bash
      stdin: exit 
    register: authenticate
    failed_when: false
    changed_when: false
    check_mode: no
    when: inventory_hostname_short == (groups['application'] | sort | first)

  - name: Create admin user
      cmd: "/usr/bin/mongo {{ (authenticate.rc == 0) | ternary('-u admin -p ' + password.admin + ' --authenticationDatabase admin', '') }} --norc --quiet localhost:{{ ports.router }}"
      executable: /bin/bash
      stdin: |
        const admin = db.getSiblingDB("admin")
        {% if authenticate.rc != 0 %}
        admin.createUser({ user: "admin", pwd: "{{ password.admin }}", roles: ["root"] })
        var _ = admin.auth("admin", "{{ password.admin }}")
        {% endif %}
        // Create more users if needed
    when: inventory_hostname_short == (groups['application'] | sort | first)
    register: ret_createUser
    changed_when: ret_createUser.stdout != ''

  - debug:
      msg: "{{ ret_createUser.stdout.split('\n') }}"
    when: not ansible_check_mode and inventory_hostname_short == (groups['application'] | sort | first) and ret_createUser.stdout != '' 

这篇关于ansible mongodb_user,mongodb_replicaset 模块如何工作?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-24 08:11