


I'm trying to pass a bool as a parameter to Oracle using Dapper, translating to a 1/0 field on the database, like this:

public class Customer
    public bool Active { get; set; }
static void InsertCustomer()
    var customer = connect.QueryFirst<Customer>("select 1 active from dual"); // this works
    connect.Execute("insert into customers(active) values(:active)", customer); // this doesn't


我知道我可以创建另一个属性public int ActiveInt => Active ? 1 : 2;,但是我想保持POCO类尽可能整洁,尤其是因为这些属性需要公开,Dapper才能将它们用作参数.

I know I can create another property public int ActiveInt => Active ? 1 : 2; but I would like to keep my POCO classes as clean as possible, especially because the properties need to be public for Dapper to use them as parameters.

我试图创建一个布尔类型处理程序,但它仅适用于查询列,不适用于参数: https://github.com/StackExchange/Dapper/issues/303

I tried to create a bool type handler, but it only works for query columns, not parameters: https://github.com/StackExchange/Dapper/issues/303


I also need to pass the whole object as parameter, so converting when passing the parameter isn't possible.




I use Dapper.SqlMapper.AddTypeMap(Type, DbType) method.

public class Customer
    public bool Active { get; set; }

class Program : IDisposable
    private readonly DbConnection _connection;

    public Program()
        _connection = DbOpen();

    static void Main(string[] args)
        SqlMapper.AddTypeMap(typeof(bool), DbType.Int32);

        using (var program = new Program())

    private void Run()
        _connection.Execute($"INSERT INTO customers ( active ) VALUES (:Activate)", new { Activate = true });
        _connection.Execute($"INSERT INTO customers ( active ) VALUES (:Activate)", new { Activate = false });

        var customers = new List<Customer>()
            new Customer() {Active = true},
            new Customer() {Active = false}
        _connection.Execute($"INSERT INTO customers ( active ) VALUES (:{nameof(Customer.Active)})", customers);

        var results = _connection.Query<Customer>("SELECT * FROM customers");
        foreach (var customer results)
            Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(Customer.Active)} is {customer.Active}");

    private static DbConnection DbOpen()
        var connectionSetting = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["oracle"];
        var dbFactory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(connectionSetting.ProviderName);
        var conn = dbFactory.CreateConnection();
        conn.ConnectionString = connectionSetting.ConnectionString;
        return conn;

    public void Dispose()


10-15 17:15