

例如,RESTEasy的ResteasyWebTarget类有一个方法代理(Class< T> clazz),就像Injector的 getInstance(Class< T> clazz) )。有没有办法告诉Guice应该将某些类的创建委托给某个实例?

For instance, RESTEasy's ResteasyWebTarget class has a method proxy(Class<T> clazz), just like Injector's getInstance(Class<T> clazz). Is there a way to tell Guice that creation of some classes should be delegated to some instance?


My goal is the following behavior of Guice: when the injector is asked for a new instance of class A, try to instantiate it; if instantiation is impossible, ask another object (e. g. ResteasyWebTarget instance) to instantiate the class.


I'd like to write a module like this:

protected void configure() {
    String apiUrl = "https://api.example.com";
    Client client = new ResteasyClientBuilder().build();
    target = (ResteasyWebTarget) client.target(apiUrl);



protected void configure() {
    String apiUrl = "https://api.example.com";
    Client client = new ResteasyClientBuilder().build();
    target = (ResteasyWebTarget) client.target(apiUrl);

    bind(Service1.class).toProvider(() -> target.proxy(Service1.class);
    bind(Service2.class).toProvider(() -> target.proxy(Service2.class);
    bind(Service3.class).toProvider(() -> target.proxy(Service3.class);


I've thought about implementing Injector interface and use that implementation as a child injector, but the interface has too much methods.


I can write a method enumerating all annotated interfaces in some package and telling Guice to use provider for them, but that's the backup approach.


Guice不支持这个,它也没有你可以听的钩子。它确实提供了钩子( ProvisionListener & TypeListener

Guice does not support this, it has no hooks for you to listen too. The hooks it does provide (ProvisionListener & TypeListener) don't get called if a binding can not be found.

这是你唯一的选择。只有当您愿意在整个代码库中传播 target.proxy 时,可选注入才有效。

That is your only option. The optional injections only work if you are willing to spread your target.proxy love all over the codebase.


EDIT (2017-02-28): If you are going to do this, I've already done the basics to make it happen as part of my magic-provider-guice project, with examples for JDBI and Feign.


I don't believe you can set a child injector (just have Guice create one with a set of modules), so this would not work either.


10-29 22:31